The Fayetteville Roots Fest has always included food as a major component, and this year, with the event returning full force Aug. 25-27 from covid cutbacks, the culinary lineup will feature 26 chefs from across the nation and around Northwest Arkansas. Among them will be the 2022 James Beard finalists Edgar Ric0 of Nixta Taqueria in Austin (Best Emerging Chef) and Erick Williams of Virtue Restaurant in Chicago (Best Chef Great Lakes) as well as Sue Zemanick of Zasu in New Orleans; Esaul Ramos of 2M Smokehouse in San Antonio; Jennifer Booker of Bauhaus Biergarten in Springdale; Merlin Verrier of Street Feud in Denver; Daniel Ernce of Progress in Springfield, Mo.; and William Lyle of The Summit Club in Tulsa, Okla., according to the festival website.
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