/PRNewswire/ Meristem Crop Performance Group (www.MeristemAg.com) and Talc USA, (www.TalcUSA.com), have joined forces in a strategic product development.
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In a Trademark Trial and Appeal Board opposition on Wednesday, Syngenta Participations Ag claimed that if Meristem Crop Performance Group LLC is granted the trademark for Nutriprime, it will be harmed because of its efforts promoting the Prime + trademark and the similarities between the two marks and their uses.
Syngenta is an agriculture company based in Switzerland. Reportedly, it has used the Prime + trademark since 1982 with goods related to crop protection, healthy soil and vegetable availability. The company noted that it first used the trademark 38 and a half years before the applicant filed the request for its trademark. Syngenta claimed that the trademark is “strong and well-known” and that through its efforts using the trademark it has gained goodwill and recognition.
Tom J. Bechman
MORE EFFICIENT N USE: Companies continue to introduce products aimed at increasing nitrogen efficiency in corn. Growers will help sort out the ones that really help. Hi-Tech Farming: Nitrogen efficiency is getting a lot of emphasis among new crop products.
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Jun 15, 2021 to Jun 17, 2021
Nitrogen fixation in crops that don’t fix nitrogen naturally took another step toward reality. Corteva Agriscience announced it intends to market Utrisha N nutrient efficiency optimizer. It contains an endophytic bacterium that works with the plant to secure nitrogen from the atmosphere.
Corteva obtained rights to sell the product through a multiple-year agreement with a company you’ve likely never head of: Symborg, based in Spain. Symborg coined the phrase “BlueN technology” for its line of products. Visit corteva.com and symborg.com.