On Friday, April 12, Mercury Cazimi in Aries will bring about an abundant new beginning in your life that holds the possibility of changing it forever.
The week of April 8 - 14 begins with the cataclysmic New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries and the return of Mercury from the underworld. These events help you seize opportunities for new beginnings and hold space for the process of love.
The week of April 8 - 14, 2024 initiates a time of good luck and fated events as the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries helps you attract all that is meant for you.
The week of February 26 creates a moment of renewal and action as Mercury and Saturn will both travel into the heart of the Sun, generating incredible opportunities for luck and blessings.
The love horoscope for October 26, 2023 is here for all zodiac signs in astrology. Find out how the Moon entering Aries will impact your energy on this day.