The last day of Mercury retrograde is here, and what it means for each zodiac sign is a chance to do a final mini-review. Since Mercury is in Aries, review things from a very personal standpoint. Here's what this means for each zodiac sign on April 24, 2024.
Daily Love Horoscope April 24, 2024: Cosmos predicts a bright day in love for these zodiacs. Find daily astrological predictions for all sun signs | Horoscope
Weekly Love Horoscope for April 22-28, 2024. This week, you must take a chance and be vulnerable. Find out astrological predictions for zodiac signs. | Horoscope
We want to enjoy love that's both practical and romantic, which is why the Moon in Virgo is the perfect compliment for the start of Taurus season. Here is how this energy affects each zodiac sign in astrology on April 19.