for all of that. just look at backs, look at data. we know what to think. we also want every one from crime, to herschel walker, two kenyans twitter account being all for unlocked overnight asthmatic tweet. we ve got that story yet. i think else is on your mind tonight. we can tweet it at alison comer and that laura coats. all right, also next, it is world mental health today. and we will talk to you about what you can do. it is like your mental health toolkit. and it is easy stuff. to do. we ll talk about that when we come back. we can replace your windshield .and recalibrate your safety system. customer: and they recycled my old glass. t tech: don t wait. schedule today. singers: safelitite repai, safelite replace.
look at facts, look at. data friends thank you very much. we have a lot more to talk about tonight. we want to know what you think. also everything from crime to herschel walker to kanye s twitter account being locked over the antisemitic tweet. we haven t even got to that story. anything else you can tweet issa allison kamara and the laura coale s. all right next, it s world mental health day and we will talk to you about what you can do. it s like your mental health toolkit. it s easy stuff to do. we ll talk about that when we come back.