under the affordable care act, you will no longer be permitted to buy a really crappy health insurance policy, just as under financial reform, lots of folks are no longer permitted to buy heinously destructive adjustable rate balloon payment mortgages. joining me now to explain this is nancy metcalf, senior editor at consumer reports, dr. menisha shermana, medical director at evergreen health care, part of a new insurance provider in maryland s health exchange and jonathan coombs, senior editor at the new republic, author of sick: the untold story of america s health care crisis and the people who pay the price. all right, there s two issues floating around. i saw it really explode this weekend. one is people are getting their plans canceled. what is going on? we were all told nothing would change and now things are changing. you sold us a bill of goods, barack obama s a tyrant, i hate you. then the other is, the prices in the exchange. so, i want to take them in
you will no longer be permitted to buy a really crappy health insurance policy, just as under financial reform, lots of folks are no longer permitted to buy heinously destructive adjustable rate balloon payment mortgages. joining me now to explain this is nancy metcalf, senior editor at consumer reports, dr. menisha shermana, medical director at evergreen health care, part of a new insurance provider in maryland s health exchange and jonathan coombs, senior editor at the new republic, author of sick: the untold story of america s health care crisis and the people who pay the price. all right, there s two issues floating around. i saw it really explode this weekend. one is people are getting their plans canceled. what is going on? we were all told nothing would change and now things are changing. you sold us a bill of goods, barack obama s a tyrant, i hate you. then the other is, the prices in the exchange.
insurance policy, just as under financial reform, lots of folks are no longer permitted to buy heinously destructive adjustable rate balloon payment mortgages. joining me now to explain this at greater length is nancy metcalf, senior editor at consumer reports, where she covers health reports, dr. menisha shermana, medical director at evergreen health care, part of a new insurance provider in maryland s health exchange and jonathan coombs, senior editor at the new republic, where he s just written a piece about obama care and author of sick: the untold story of america s health care crisis and the people who pay the price. all right. i want to start with this. there s two issues floating around. i saw it really explode this weekend. one is people are getting their plans canceled. what is going on? we were all told nothing would change, nothing would change, and now things are changing. you sold us a bill of goods, barack obama s a tyrant, i hate you. then the other is, the price