democrats and their president are making are killing this country. former courthouse chief strategist karl rove thinks left push for sleeping change will backfire at the polls. they think more robust transformational package they get the better they ll be off in the 2022 midterms so go being. throw the big hail mary because voters will reward if you if you pass a 3.5 trillion tax and spengsd bill at the polls the problem is that s absolutely wrong we saw this in recent memory obamacare in 2010 we re gong transform american health care system this doom they will in the 2010 election. so we re seeing this play out all over again. whether they pass it or they don t pass it they re gong suffer and suffer mightily. you go on to argue that president plunging approval ratting reflecting his inability to deliver on his campaign promises mean wheel turning to
partly paid for. well washington post columnst you see down playing calling that 3.5 trillion dollar price tag misleading. joining us now with his reaction is fox news contradict tore joe concha what was misleading about that 3.5 trillion spending there? great question. [laughter] here s the deal. to use biden term, that s true it is not 3.5 trillion. it is misleading it is more leak 5.5 trillion, 6 trillion when you look at all of the gimmicks that are in there. in other words there are programs that are in place that are supposed to expire in two, three year an once you put a program in place once you give people something it is very hard to extract that from them. obamacare being an example right once the government gives you something then you can t say we re not going give it to you them. so to that that statement to be said on a show like reliable sources