Acapulco, known as the Pearl of the Pacific, is recovering after being pummeled by deadly Hurricane Otis, the most powerful storm on record for the Pacific coast of Mexico.
The intensification of anti-narcotics operations in key areas of the Mexican state – such as along the border with Guatemala, or in the Lacandona jungle – has resulted in the umpteenth escalation in the armed conflict. In this seriously wounded state, tensions are ready to explode
Nelson Matus, director of the news portal 'Lo Real de Guerrero', was shot dead this Saturday night in a parking lot in the city of Acapulco. Matus is the second journalist killed so far this year in Mexico. Luis Martín Sánchez Iñiguez (59), a correspondent for the newspaper La Jornada in the northwestern Mexican state of Nayarit, was found dead after being reported missing. Since 2000, more than 150 journalists have been killed in Mexico, according to RSF.
GRAPHIC CONTENT: South America has some of the most lawless jails in the world, where riots and murder are so common even armed guards, meant to maintain order, are too scared to go inside.