Acapulco, known as the Pearl of the Pacific, is recovering after being pummeled by deadly Hurricane Otis, the most powerful storm on record for the Pacific coast of Mexico.
Acapulco, known as the Pearl of the Pacific, is recovering after being pummeled by deadly Hurricane Otis, the most powerful storm on record for the Pacific coast of Mexico.
Acapulco, known as the Pearl of the Pacific, is recovering after being pummeled by deadly Hurricane Otis, the most powerful storm on record for the Pacific coast of Mexico.
Acapulco, known as the Pearl of the Pacific, is recovering after being pummeled by deadly Hurricane Otis, the most powerful storm on record for the Pacific coast of Mexico.
Acapulco, known as the Pearl of the Pacific, is recovering after being pummeled by deadly Hurricane Otis, the most powerful storm on record for the Pacific coast of Mexico.