said too many times that i was afraid when this happened, i was afraid i would be hit. i said stupidly, your melstone mandela, how could you be afraid? he said, it would be irrational not to be afraid. he never had a problem admitting when he was wrong, admitting when he was nervous, admitting when he was scared. that is a huge strength. let s listen to more, let s listen to the way that you would show up early in the morning and work together. let s listen to that part. i would meet mandela several times a week, almost always in the morning, six 6:30 or seven a.m., he was an early riser. he would wake up at four or 5 am. we would meet in his office in the city, or in his home in the suburbs, and a few times in the rural area where he grew up. he would often take t and breakfast when we talked. a lot of times when i would take sugar, something sweet, i rely on this sugar. are you sure you don t want