lowered the voting age to 16 for school board elections was inmates testimony. nate testified that there are, in the city of newark in the law school board election, turn out, katie, was 3%. one to 3%. nate said, because turnout is so low, young people can't rely on other people to make decisions for them, that they are to be empowered to make decisions themselves, that's really what this move is about. there's lowering the age in newark to 16 empowers two breanna's-point, 7000 young people, 16 17-year-olds to vote in the elections that matter most of them. 90% of the black people -- of the young people are black and brown. we're excited about with the expansion for voting rights means for empowering young people to have access to the fundamental right that is postoperative, as the supreme court says, is fundamental to all other. rights >> discussion will go to breanna. breanna, i heard you talk about the issues that are important