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Maine Food Delivery Effort Turns to ModivCare for Support In Delivering Food to Students and Families in Aroostook County
March 08, 2021 09:00 ET | Source: LogistiCare LogistiCare Atlanta, Georgia, UNITED STATES
Aroostook County, ME, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Melanie Lagasse, Food Service Director at Valley Unified Education Service Center (MSAD 27, MSAD 33 and Madawaska School Department) identified a potential challenge and instinctively knew what to do. Schools were virtual, students and adults were stuck inside as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and people were becoming increasingly hungry.
In response to this crisis, Lagasse and her small army of kitchen staff and volunteers, school bus drivers, Ed Techs and a new partner, ModivCare (formerly LogistiCare), went to work.