At Shelton High School, a new generation of healthcare workers are getting their start at the Health Sciences Academy. As a part of the innovative academy model at Shelton High School, the Health Sciences Academy values hands-on experience and real-world connections, which includes a partnership with Mason Health.
Savannah River Site supported the annual Marine Corps Toys for Tots and Salvation Army Tree Program campaigns to help provide toys and clothing to less fortunate children in the local
Megan Corbin has been a dancer since the age of 5, performing professionally in musicals and in a Las Vegas show until right before the coronavirus pandemic. Considering she was young, active and healthy, Corbin said she had no idea that the pain and pressure she felt in her back just a few months later, in July 2020, was a heart attack. Instead, Corbin, who was 30 at the time, said she thought she was having gastrointestinal issues and waited for the pain to go away.
American Heart Association(NEW YORK) Megan Corbin has been a dancer since the age of 5, performing professionally in musicals and in a Las Vegas show until right before the coronavirus pandemic. Considering she was young, active and healthy, Corbin said she had no idea that the pain and pressure she felt in her back just a few months later, in July 2020, was a heart attack. Instead, Corbin, who was 30 at the time, said she thought she was having gastrointestinal issues and waited for the pain to go away. It was not until she woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain and then soon after felt her arms go numb, that she said her husband was able to convince her to seek medical help. "He literally had to scoop me up off the bathroom floor," Corbin told ABC News' Good Morning America. "I was limp. I couldn't do anything." Corbin's husband drove her to the hospital, where she said she was whisked away for evaluation and then told she was h