I rise to oppose the gentlemans amendment but i appreciate his persistence in trying to find an offset. I share the gentlemans support for Smart Investments in our nations Water Resources infrastructure. As i have said on a number of occasions, the corps of engineers was and really one of our primary priorities inputting our bill together. The total Program Level is 50 million above the budget request d 150 million above the postsequester level. The Flood Control and emergencies account specifically, its at the president s request. These funds will go primarily to training and response activities. If repairs to projects are necessary due to storms, the corps has previously appropriated unobligated Flood Control and coastal emergency funds which could be used for these purposes. On the other hand, the bill is hash has already reduced funding for fossil fuels by 16 reduction and we took another substantial reduction. Research conducted within this program ensures that we use our nations
DOE’s Office Of Science Graduate Student Research Program Selects 78 Outstanding U.S. Graduate Students To Perform Research At National Laboratories
WASHINGTON, DC – The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Science has selected 78 graduate students representing 26 states for the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program’s 2020 Solicitation 2 cycle.
Seven graduate students will be coming to Los Alamos:
Luis Bichon – Vanderbilt University, NP – Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics
Michael Woodward – University of Arizona, ASCR – Applied Mathematics
Nathan Mark Myers – University of Maryland Baltimore County, BES – Quantum Information Science for Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Nicholas Alexander Garcia – University of Minnesota, BES – Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemical Separations