DOE’s Office Of Science Graduate Student Research Program Selects 78 Outstanding U.S. Graduate Students To Perform Research At National Laboratories
WASHINGTON, DC – The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Science has selected 78 graduate students representing 26 states for the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program’s 2020 Solicitation 2 cycle.
Seven graduate students will be coming to Los Alamos:
Luis Bichon – Vanderbilt University, NP – Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics
Michael Woodward – University of Arizona, ASCR – Applied Mathematics
Nathan Mark Myers – University of Maryland Baltimore County, BES – Quantum Information Science for Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Nicholas Alexander Garcia – University of Minnesota, BES – Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemical Separations
The family of
Jill S. Knapp will gather for her memorial this Friday, and are sharing this remembrance with the community:
Jill Suzanne (Saeger) Knapp passed away at the age of 65 on January 28, 2021.
Jill was born on April 13, 1955, in West Seattle to Beverly (Allen) and John Saeger back when the West Seattle Hospital was located in the West Seattle Junction. She was raised not far from where she was born, in the 37th and Dakota neighborhood and later up on 42nd and Dawson. She attended Jefferson Elementary, Madison Junior High, and West Seattle High School, graduating with the class of 1973. She had a passion for art and had fond memories of art class with Mr. Marta.