Canyon News
UNITED STATES Toni: We have received a 20 percent increase for our Plan F Medicare Supplement that is effective May 1. I am a 70-year-old female in good health, but my husband is undergoing cancer treatment at MD Anderson. Also, his cardiologist has advised him that he may need a pacemaker.
My friends have advised me that we will have to wait until October when Medicare Annual Enrollment begins to change from our current Medicare Supplement plans. I am concerned that with the Medicare Supplement increase we may not be able to afford the premiums. What should we do? Would a Medicare Advantage plan be a good option to change to with Fred’s cancer issues? Carol from Denver.
Canyon News
UNITED STATES Dear Toni: I am losing the battle with Social Security about me and my wife enrolling in Medicare Part B since I am losing my group benefits effective March 31. I took early retirement in April 30, 2020 when COVID-19 problems started and both me and my wife have been under company group health benefits. I now find out that I had to be an active employee to enroll in Medicare Part B without receiving a penalty. No one ever told me this. Please explain what Medicare rule I am not following. Thanks, Vic from San Antonio, TX.
Vic: I do not have good news for you because you have missed your window to enroll in Medicare Part B after you retired April 30, 2020 which is over the 8-month Medicare Special Enrollment Period time limit.
Canyon News
UNITED STATES Hello Toni: I turned 65 in August 2018, continued to work full-time with an HSA that has a $3000.00 deductible before any prescriptions or medical claims are paid by the insurance plan. The HR manager of my employer advised me to enroll in Part A when I turned 65. Because I received wrong information, I could not fund my HSA from that time.
I decided to delay Part B until December 1 when I retired and enrolled in a Medicare supplement plan G and a Part D prescription drug plan also with a January 1 start date.
I have received a notice from CMS (Medicare) saying they do not have record of me having prescription drug coverage that “met Medicare’s minimum standards from 8/1/2018 to 12/31/2020 and I may receive a Part D late enrollment penalty. What does this mean?
Canyon News
UNITED STATES Help Toni! I have developed a rare form of cancer that requires the use of proton therapy and my problem is that my employer health insurance does not cover proton therapy. I must pay all the costs.
My oncologist’s office manager advised me that because I am over 65, I may want to apply for Medicare Parts A and B. She says that Medicare will pay and provide the care I need.
I am not leaving or retiring from my job, but I need to begin my Medicare benefits as quickly as possible. Please advise me what I need to do. David from Tulsa, OK.