Noelle Dunphy filed a lawsuit accusing the former NY Mayor of sexual harassment. From shocking court transcripts to inside details of the case, here is everything you must know to connect the dots.
Jono Ridler looks to have set a New Zealand record for open water swimming having gone well beyond the current record of 80.8km swimming from Karaka Bay Aotea Great Barrier Island across the Hauraki Gulf to come ashore at Campbells Bay on Auckland’s .
A photo newly leaked to GroundUp confirms that Dr Nandipha Magudumana accompanied a man resembling 'Facebook rapist' Thabo Bester to a Sandton shop in June last year, almost two months after a prison fire that was announced to have killed Bester.
‘If these reports are found to be true, this would prove to be the most sensational escape in the history of our nation,’ says ministerial spokesperson.