Refuting allegations of one-sided probe, Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana today said 25 persons from two communities had been arrested so far for their alleged involvement in the Jahangirpuri communal clashes on Saturday. Two juveniles have also been detained.
Twenty-one people have been taken into police custody so far in the Jahangirpuri violence case. The clash broke out between two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in northwest Delhi's Jahangirpuri area on Saturday evening.
People from "both communities" are among 23 arrested over the violence in northwest Delhi's Jahangirpuri that took place on Saturday evening, in which eight policemen and a civilian were injured, the police said on Monday.
Medalal Meena, the Delhi Police Sub-Inspector injured in last night's violence during a religious procession, said the police had initially separated the two communities when altercation broke out between them outside a mosque in Jahangirpuri.