Chief Ndlovu, the unsuccessful Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) candidate for Nkayi North, has taken his case to the Electoral Court, seeking to invalidat.
On 25 August 2023 SADC and AU Election Observer Missions declared the Zimbabwe elections flawed and illegal. The damning report had no effect on Zanu PF and the.
Highfield Ward 25 councillor Luckson Mukunguma (MDC T) is now eying Highfield House of Assembly seat.Mukunguma said he is now mature to be a Member of Parliamen.
MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora on Tuesday announced he was withdrawing from the race to become Zimbabwe s next president, describing the August 23 election as a .
OPPOSITION MDC s Warren Park Councillor Tichavona Mhetu has announced his immediate resignation from the party, before arguing party President Douglas Mwonzora .