“Mwonzora is the one who is no longer in the party. There are many people who were expelled from the party after they declared that they were members of other parties. Mwonzora wrote a letter to ZEC (Zimbabwe Electoral Comon January 3, 2022, saying he is the leader or president of the MDC Alliance.
Disgruntled MDC-T activists say several people who represented the party in the 2018 general elections have abandoned the Mwonzora faction alleging that he wants to dump vice president Thokozani Khupe before the by-elections and elective congress expected to be held sometime this year.
there were five, if i m not mistaken i think it was five members of the united states upklan. local governors open members of the klan. mostt( people didn t realize ao century qxdçóago. one of the reasons why it was founded was because ofr me it wasn t about average can p americans. it was about making sure that all those polishq and even european catholics who came to thet( united states would not pollute christianity.okokxdxd