Bangalore : Science Gallery Bengaluru is showcasing its ongoing digital exhibition season, PSYCHE that explores the human mind and the complexities of thinking and feeling in Kannada till 15 May 2022. The exhibition explores the complexities of the h
Objective:The objective of this systematic review was to synthesize the best available evidence relating to the measurement properties of the multidimensional pain assessment tools used to assess postoperative pain in adults.Introduction:Pain is a common and poorly managed occurrence in patients during the postoperative period. Currently, postoperative pain is usually evaluated with assessment tools that measure one dimension of pain, namely pain intensity, resulting in inadequate management of postoperative pain. It is important to understand the complex nature of pain by considering all dimensions for optimal postoperative pain management. Systematic, robust evidence is lacking regarding the most psychometrically reliable and valid multidimensional pain assessment tool for adult postoperative patients.Inclusion criteria:This systematic review considered all study types for inclusion. Studies were considered if they assessed the measurement properties of a multidimensional pain assess