general bill barr name john durham to investigate the investigators and predicted he d find the crime of the century. durham didn t have much luck in the courts. now, four years after he started, durham s harshly critical report saying he relied on raw, unanalyzed and uncorroborated intelligence along with seriously flawed information has plunged us all back into the same old, familiar debate, the story that seemingly will never end. i m howard kurtz and this is the mediabuzz. howard: the report by special counsel john durham exploded like a neutron bomb, and the media are deeply divided over his conclusion that the fbi acted on such flimsy evidence that its investigation of possible collusion between donald trump and the kremlin never should have been launched. first among those claiming vindication, the former president. this was a coup that they were looking at. these are sick people. howard: and many of those on fox news and elsewhere joined in castigating the m
ended up where there was plenty of reason to believe it was going to end up, with a new report about nothing. howard: and the fiercest critics, former fbi and intelligence officials who are now on network payrolls. do you realize the fbi lied to the media, and then the media reported the fbi lies? then the fbi guys get fired, then they get hired by the medi- [laughter] to tell more lies. howard: here is former fbi director andrew mccain cape andrew andrew mccabe, now with cnn. it continues to fuel a false narrative about alleged fbi malfeasance that continues to this day. howard: and this former mueller lead prosecutor, andrew weissmann, now with msnbc. what you have is, it s a big, fat nothing. howard: joining us now to an rise the coverage, mary katherine hamm who hosts the