all you hear is honey and sweetheart. in the sexist and condescending language that he used, he wasn t focused on that they wanted lejgislation. it was as if there was a drone headed their way and he said, go ahead and shoot it down, which reflects a lack of focus in front of him that you see repeated. you guys documented brilliantly that the president wants something, says something and his aides scramble around and say, no, no, we can t do that. trump greeted the men with atta boys. for the great job they were doing and repeating to them what he had told mcaleenan on the plane. they should start turning away
and our reporting for the book suggested that the aides sat stunned silently and said, no, mr. president, that s not allowed either. you can t do that either. that was the context. he obviously never went through with it, but the aides that we talked to suggested to us that it felt like a serious at least idea or suggestion from him. and then there is the also the offer of a pardon to mcaleenan. what s the context for that? this is all happening this happens in this week in which
suggested that the aides sat stunned silently and said, no, mr. president, that s not allowed either. you can t do that either. that was the context. he obviously never went through with it, but the aides that we talked to suggested to us that it felt like a serious at least idea or suggestion from him. and then there is the also the offer of a pardon to mcaleenan. what s the context for that? this is all happening this happens in this week in which the president starts the week by suggesting that he wants to shut the border down at noon the next day. his administration officials rushed to try to stop him from doing that, knowing that such a thing would be catastrophic on a human level, trapping people on both sides of the border, 2,000-mile border, one of the most heavily traveled and $200 billion worth of goods goes
the president starts the week by suggesting that he wants to shut the border down at noon the next day. his administration officials rushed to try to stop him from doing that, knowing that such a thing would be catastrophic on a human level, trapping people on both sides of the border, 2,000-mile border, one of the most heavily traveled and $200 billion worth of goods goes back and forth. he says, okay, i won t close the border down, but as he is traveling to a photo op at the wall turns to mcaleenan and says, you know, we ll just, you know, keep people out. we just won t let the asylum seekers in, any of the people that are trying to get in come in. just turn them away. the country is full. and he says to mcaleenan, if you return into any legal problems, i will pardon you. it was a part of this effort that he did for much of the last
back and forth. he says, okay, i won t close the border down, but as he is traveling to a photo op at the wall turns to mcaleenan and says, you know, we ll just, you know, keep people out. we just won t let the asylum seekers in, any of the people that are trying to get in come in. just turn them away. the country is full. and he says to mcaleenan, if you return into any legal problems, i will pardon you. it was a part of this effort that he did for much of the last three years to kind of reach for extreme ideas to keep people out of the country. more than that, i mean, there are multiple incidents as reported in your book of the president essentially not viewing the law as a binding n constraint. he says do a thing against the law and people say that s not lawful and he basically doesn t care. right. i mean, they pushed back against him when things weren t legal, when they thought things weren t