headlines this week about the new sub variant of omicron, with the new clinical name, ba.5. some headlines are calling it, quote, the worst fire aspirant ba.5 is now the dominant strain in the country and accounts for more than half of the country s covid cases. we know it is more contagious than any previous strain we have come across so far. and experts say there are some early signs that this variant might make you slightly sicker than previous strains. we are waiting to get more data about that. but here is why it matters. let s have a look at that chart again. what does it tell you? it tells you, yes, ba.5 is the dominant strain. you can see that on the right side. it also tells you that this virus keeps on changing. it keeps mutating. every couple of months it looks like there is a different dominant variant or sub variant. every couple of months, the most prominent color on this graph changes. the vaccines and treatment we currently rely on to rein in this virus are based on o
accounts for more than half of the country s covid cases. we know it is more contagious than any previous strain we have come across so far. and experts say there are some early signs that this variant might make you slightly sicker than previous strains. we are waiting to get more data about that. but here is why it matters. let s have a look at that chart again. what does it tell you? it tells you, yes, ba. 5 is the dominant strain. you can see that on the right side. it also tells you that this virus keeps on changing. it keeps mutating. every couple of months it looks like there is a different dominant variant or sub variant. every couple of months, the most prominent color on this graph changes. the vaccines and treatment we currently rely on to rein in this virus are based on old strains of coronavirus. and so far, that has worked out okay. perhaps until now many experts say this new strain of the virus, ba. 5, is changing the playing field under our feet as we try to finally d
wintertime, if we are not up to date with our vaccines, those individuals who are high-risk are going to be end up in the hospital because, while we focus so much on antibodies, blocking the virus from causing us to test positive, blocking the onset of a sore throat, the really key component here is something called t cells that harbor, pretty much, in our lungs. they help prevent severe infection from occurring but it turns out that those t cells do require periodic boosts. the people who most need them are not getting them. that s why we are really concerned about the winter, potentially, surging again in hospitals. so, i know they have been throwing away dosages of vaccines because of a certain shelf life and it s not just in the united states candidate, germany, a lot of places are getting rid of vaccines. do you feel what is supposed to happen? it s just a matter of everybody being up to date on their vaccine regimen? or should we are we discussing more vaccines? and wha
if you re 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. you may have seen different versions of this very colorful chart from the centers for disease control, given that we have been flooded with more and more new contagious coronavirus variants in the past year. this is the cdc s varied proportion chart. it tells you how much of the coronavirus floating around our country is from one variant versus another. and it shows you how those proportions have changed over time, which is why you get that left to right color gradient. this chart specifically the greenish teal bar on the chart, has sparked a bunch of headlines this week about the new sub variant of omicron, with the new clinical name, ba. 5. some headlines are calling it, quote, the worst subvarant ba. 5 is now the dominant strain in the country and
The rush on COVID-19 vaccines for New York City’s youngest age group has been anything but, as health officials report approximately 11,000 vaccinations among.