OPINION: Housing will be front and centre in 2021 January 10, 2021 Reading time: 3 min 30 s
By Nick Seebruch
When I sat down to speak with Mayor Bernadette Clement at the end of 2020, she said that one of her top files for 2021 would be housing in the City of Cornwall. This makes sense, and it is going to become a big issue very quickly. When tackling the issue of housing, something that should not be lost in the shuffle is affordable housing for our seniors and those in need.
There is going to be a need to build a lot of homes to meet the demand that currently exists in this city and the surrounding area. People want to live here, but we should not forget about those who already do, and might be on a long waiting list for a home.
Looking ahead to 2021 Reading time: 3 min 30 s
By Nick Seebruch
With 2020 behind us and 2021 just a head, I am going to use my column this week to predict what I think we will see in the New Year.
Obviously, there is always a risk to making these predictions. Last year’s column looking ahead at 2020 was completely thrown out the window with the arrival of the pandemic.
Things will get better . . . slowly
The year 2020 has been decried as a terrible time for everyone, with most eagerly awaiting its end.
From the pandemic, to forest fires, an economic downturn and more, 2020 has had more adversity to offer us that we usually see in five years.
Province wide lockdown starts Boxing Day December 21, 2020 at 14 h 47 min Reading time: 2 min Premier Doug Ford announcing a province wide lockdown on Dec. 21 (Nick Seebruch/ Seaway News).
ONTARIO – Premier Doug Ford announced on Monday, Dec. 21 that the province would be entering a lockdown on Boxing Day, Saturday, Dec. 26 at 12:01 a.m. in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19 over the holidays.
“It will be months until we have mass immunization,” Ford said. “In the meantime we need to do everything in our power to protect our hospitals and our most vulnerable. We need a runway for the vaccine to roll out. That’s why, after consulting with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, listening to hospital CEOs and other health experts and extensive discussions at the cabinet table and caucus throughout the weekend, I am announcing today that Ontario will enter a province wide shutdown . . .”
Author of the article: Todd Hambleton
Publishing date: Dec 17, 2020 • December 17, 2020 • 2 minute read • Cornwall Mayor Bernadette Clement, who spoke at the virtual conference Thursday, pictured in a Street Level video that was touched up at the meeting. Photo on Thursday, December 17, 2020, in Cornwall, Ont. Todd Hambleton/Cornwall Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network Photo by Todd Hambleton /Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder
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If 2020 was all about adjusting to and weathering the pandemic storm, then Cornwall’s economy had a pretty good year.
That was a recurring message during the annual Cornwall Economic Development Year in Review report, the presentation going virtual this time, on Thursday morning.