have no predictions about that hearing, and i m just gonna sit back and experience it. it feels like it s gonna be a big deal. the fact that they booked it for prime time is a really hard ask of all the tv networks to get them to give you that time. it implies that they think they ve got something that they really expect and want millions of americans to watch. and so, i think you can have those expectations, but in terms of what we are gonna learn, we are going to lay out, or what they might sum up from what we ve previously learned from them, i m with you. i just want to see it happen. you know, the best we have is a little suggestion from adam kinzinger, about what to expect. and i will show that tonight, just like everyone else has. that s all we got. and they ve been pretty reliable about delivering really important hearings. and so, we have every right to expect that. yeah, i mean, tonight, adam schiff just told me that we will get tape testimony from witnesses we
7:00 eastern. for the january six hearing. but, now it is time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. good evening, rachel. i ll be joining you thursday night in that coverage, and i have no predictions about that hearing, and i m just gonna sit back and experience it. it feels like it s gonna be a big deal. the fact that they booked it for primetime is a really hard ask of all the tv networks to get them to give you that time. it implies that they think they ve got something that they really expect and want millions of americans to watch. and so, i think you can have those expectations, but in terms of what we are gonna learn, we are going to lay out, or what they might sum up from what we ve previously learned from them, i m with you. i just want to see it happen. you know, the best we have is a little suggestion from adam kinzinger, about what to expect. and i will show that tonight, just like everyone else has. that s all we got. and they ve been pretty reliable
chat group began calling him, the school shooter. not of his online behavior was ever reported to law enforcement. as soon as the attacker turned 18, on may 16th, 2022, just one week before the shooting on may 24th, 2022, he was finally able to purchase guns and ammunition. an online retailer shipped 1740 rounds of 5.56 millimeter, 75 grain, boat tail hollow point to his doorstep, at a cost of 1007 and $61.50. he ordered a daniel defense, an ar-15 stifle for shipment to a gun store in uvalde, at a cost of $2,054.28. and on may 17th, 2022, he bought a smith and wasn t an anti 15, also an ar-15 style rifle at the same store in uvalde, for the cost of $1,081.42. his uncle drove him to the
attacker had no real expenses, and hoarded money, telling acquaintances that he was saving for something big, and that they would all see him in the news one day. the attacker developed a fascination with school shootings of which he made no secret, even those he personally knew in his local chat group began calling him, the school shooter. not of his online behavior was ever reported to law enforcement. as soon as the attacker turned 18, on may 16th, 2022, just one week before the shooting on may 24th, 2022, he was finally able to purchase guns and ammunition. an online retailer shipped 1740 rounds of 5. 56 millimeter, 75 grain, boat tail hollow point to his doorstep, at a cost of 1007 and $61. 50. he ordered a daniel defense, an ar-15 stifle for shipment to a gun store in uvalde, at a cost of $2,054. 28.
were encouraging for violating covid 19 guidelines. the university of denver students were required to download an apps that would track their location so make no mistake the surveillance state is taking brew on college campuses. todd: a letter to unvaccinated students. the preparedness team indicated you have not somebody your proof of vaccination requested an exemption. effective immediately, you were trespassed which i did not know was the properties of that phrase, from a university property until may 16th, 2022, almost a year away. or any university building you may be cited or arrested, and face further disciplinary