Dr Anuradha Kapur Senior Director and Head of Unit - Obstetrics and Gynaecology explains how high blood pressure can affect the pregnant woman and the foetus.
"Smoothies are better option than juices during fasting as they are full of antioxidants, help in controlling hunger and cravings, and will keep you full for longer," said Kalpana Gupta, clinical nutritionist, Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket
DR. RAMNEEK MAHAJAN Arthritis is one of the most common disorders that affects joints. Primarily affecting people in the later part of life but nowadays it has started affecting people in their early forties. While there are many forms of arthritis, the most common being osteoarthritis of the knee. ARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE It happens
Cochlear implant surgery is effective on patients who are congenitally deaf and those who lose hearing due to various external factors including drug induced hearing loss and infections.