Encouraging people to take their seat good evening, everyone. Im the new executive director of the center for biography, which is celebrating its tenth year now all data shall be white at the foundation, and i want to advertise first of all our new alliance with bio. This is the first jointly sponsored event with them but also courtesy of will swift of the president we are also going to be doing a cosponsoring of their great annual conference on biography next may that will also be happening here. I also want to advertise and put out the word we have a decembe december 15 deadline for the new annual fellowship and there are four fellowships given out every year for aspiring biographers, so if you know anyone, please encourage them to apply. And finally, i am just thrilled that we are able to do this event to honor bob and i introduce now will swift and we will take it from there. [applause] those of you that dont know it stands for the Biographers International organization and i want
[inaudible conversations] encouraging people to take their seats. Good evening, everyone. My name is cia bird. Im in the new executive director of the leon leavy center for biography, which is celebrating the ten inch year now, all due to shelby white and the leon leave levery foundation, and i want to advertise our new alliance with bio, our first joint we sponsor the event with them and also curtsy of will swift here, of the president of bio, we have our also going to be doing cosponsoring their great annual conference on biography next way. That will also be happening here at cuny. Should be a great event with over 200 biographers. Also want to advertise i put out the word, we have a december 15th deadline for the new the annual fellowship, and there are four fellowships given out every year of 65,000 a pop. For aspiring biographers. So if you know anyone who is aspiring, encourage them to apply. Im really thrilled were able to do this event to honor bob weil, and i introduced now w
If it were possible to have poor writer minicamp that speaks solely for himself and without being a writer himself he could speak to the language of writers better than any editor or publisher he would meet and he was always tactful in speaking with writers. I have to admit i pulled a fast one because its not about or at least it was not written originally about bob weil, but it was written about the man who inspired him to begin an editor and i did not realize he had been inspired to Maxwell Perkins until he said that just now, but this was from scotts biography of max perkins and i kept having it sounded like it was a description of bob. In the essential attributes of the good editor, which max burton exemplifies i see bob as well and its been one of the greatest privileges of my professional life for more than 10 years and more years to come because we have more books in the pipeline to be associated with bob and i think what hes done is elevated my writing because hes had faith in
So, again, encouraging people to take their seats. Good evening, everyone. My name is kai bird, im the new executive director of the Leon Levy Center for biography which is celebrating its tenth year now all due to shelby white and the leon levy foundation. And i want to advertise, first of all, our new alliance with bio. This is our first sort of jointlysponsored event with them, but we are also, courtesy of will swift here the president of bio, we are also going to be doing, cosponsoring their great annual conference on biography next may. And that will also be happening here at cuny. Should be a great event with over 200 biographers. I also want to advertise and put out the word, we have a december 15th deadline for our new, our annual fellowship, and there are four fellowships given out every year of 65,000 a pop for aspiring biographers. So if you know of people who are aspiring, please encourage them to apply. And finally, i just, you know, im really thrilled that were able to do
The property in the guest quarters. This has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I have the enjoyment of Walking Around the property after 5 00 when everyone is gone. You can see the beauty of the property, the inspiration hemingway probably felt. He had a line. If you want to write, start with a true sentence. For a writer, each book should be a new effort to try to do something else. How simple life would be if it was only necessary to write in a different way what has been well written. Dave Ernest Hemingway was definitely a unique and selfmade man. His grandfather ran away from farm life and joined the civil war cause, fought in the war, and worked for a Cutlery Company in chicago. Hemingways mother was an opera singer. Is not easy being hemingway with a father as a doctor because you know what your parents wanted to become. He did not attend college. He started work on the toronto sun is a newspaper writer. He said he was going to be a writer and his mother said, that is a