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The property in the guest quarters. This has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I have the enjoyment of Walking Around the property after 5 00 when everyone is gone. You can see the beauty of the property, the inspiration hemingway probably felt. He had a line. If you want to write, start with a true sentence. For a writer, each book should be a new effort to try to do something else. How simple life would be if it was only necessary to write in a different way what has been well written. Dave Ernest Hemingway was definitely a unique and selfmade man. His grandfather ran away from farm life and joined the civil war cause, fought in the war, and worked for a Cutlery Company in chicago. Hemingways mother was an opera singer. Is not easy being hemingway with a father as a doctor because you know what your parents wanted to become. He did not attend college. He started work on the toronto sun is a newspaper writer. He said he was going to be a writer and his mother said, that is a fine hobby. What will you do to make money . He very much wanted to accomplish something in life. He felt that if he wrote about experience, that would do it. Suffering from manic depression, his high highs and lows create that drama. If you read about his love stories, you realize the differential and types of writing that he does. He could express something very violent or very loving. That is what is interesting about the heritage are of hemingway. He went across the board. His manic depression helped him go from low to high. Hemingway moved as a cover reporter to kansas city and then to the toronto star. He convinced the star to let them to paris. When he went to paris, he went with his wife, hadley. They met in chicago. He married her. She had a trust fund income of several hundred dollars a month in the 1920s. That afforded him to be able to live and basically do nothing but write and socialize. People criticized him for those years. All you do is write and socialize, you dont do work. Who he associated with, as scott fitzgerald, gertrude stein, helped form a generation. They become very best friends. Pauline steals Ernest Hemingway away from hadley. He divorced hadley after having a son, john, and he marries michelle. After that, they go to key west and come on board in march of 1928. He fell in love with fishing. He fell in love with clarity of his writing how fast he was producing work. He knocked out the first rough draft of a farewell to arms in two weeks at key west. He thought, i need to write here. I need to finish here. Fish here. They found a house for sale and body or 8,000 in 1931 and pauline converted this hayloft into his first formal writing studio. Prior to that time he wrote on table tops, coffee tables, bar tops, or tables and restaurants for this was his first formal office. Hemingway was a very disciplined writer, regardless of his indulgences. He woke up every day at 6 00 a. M. And would cross an iron catwalk that connected the main mansion to the writing studio. He would write feverishly from 6 00 a. M. And noon at noon time, there was only time to do one thing fish or go to sloppy joes. Whether he went fishing or went to sloppy joes, he is watching the characters at the next table. He is assessing their movements, their phrasing, what they are saying. He is documenting these in his mind to later be typed on paper in the next day or following week. He pulled characters out of his daily life. The settings were places he had lived or visited her what he would do in key west is that he would travel extensively, literally a man living out of a suitcase, corresponding to his home and traveling to europe. Here, especially when he was working on the novel to have and have not, that is about the Great Depression and characters in key west. He would go out to local pubs and restaurants and on fishing trip and he would write about people watch characters. He would use them and change their names. We all know that the saloon is sloppy joes. He was always a leader of a pack. When he lived in paris, france, he had a group of people that he hung out with. Pablo picasso, gertrude stein, f scott fitzgerald. He called them the lost integration. When he moved to key west, he wanted to assemble that group of intellect to pull stories from. Charles thompson was the local owner of a store and took him on his first fishing trip in key west. He became part of a group known as the mob. It is the local police chief, shive forbes, but he would get together with the two groups and meld them together. For hemingway, this month this must be the height of experience. Especially in books like a farewell to arms, where jake barnes has a problem having relationships with females, when actually a character in his life was upset revealing his personal attribute is in that book. Lady brett ashley was also unhappy with hemingways characterization of her. There are others he took revenge on. Agnes von growski was a nurse in the hospital when he was injured. He fell in love with her. He asked her to marry him and she turned him down. He wrote her in as catherine and killed her character. That is writers revenge. That is the storyline of a farewell to arms. You think hemingways writing fiction. You have to rethink that again. If you know his biography, you are going to know his books even better. Ernest hemingway was probably the most prolific writer of the 20th century. He is probably even more popular today. Though he only wrote 14 novels, 44 short stories, and a slew of poetry that no one knows about but me. Hemingways reads changes as you mature and age. When you read hemingway when you are 20 years old, it is very different when you read hemingway at 50 years old. His writing is old soul. You dont know that until you become old, too. Maybe that is why he lived life so fast, when he traveled the globe, white efficient and hunted and boxed and chased and went after everything he could go after as fast as he could. The boxing is more interesting. The fishing and hunting i understood. It is what his father took him to do. He was aware of boxing as a sport as a young man. He requested for his 14th, when he was asked what he wanted for a birthday present, he told his father, boxing gloves. Father bought him boxing gloves and took him to a boxing gym. The first day, he is a little extra sure of himself, slightly egotistical, slightly cocky, if you can imagine Ernest Hemingway being all that and the boxing and the instructor had about had enough and he gave him a good punch in the nose and broke his nose. He went home and got taped up. He came back the next day with a taped up nose and said, i want my next lesson. The instructor was impressed by this. If you get your nose broken by an instructor at 14 years old, normally you dont come back. Hemingway does not give up. If you have something on your mind, a sheet of a printed carriage, you will finish it. That is one thing he did well. There are not many unfinished pieces. Finished pieces had multiple endings. There is only one person he would invite to edit his pieces and that was gertrude stein. He trusted her immensely. One of my favorite stories is when his publisher wrote him back about a book where he used the f word. Max bergen wrote back and said the world is not ready for this. Hemingway said this is the word that describes the character best, so it stays in. They write back and forth about the f word being used in the book. Hemingway is working on another book. Lets just print, publish, and get the money rolling. Max perkins thanked him for removing the word. Hemingway wrote him back and said, thank you. Go fornicate yourself. Hemingways characters are big. He is a hunter. He is a fisherman. He has an ego larger then his own life. That is what people believe, what you tell people about yourself. If he was to sit here and talk about himself, you would think you are with a largerthanlife character. This is something that followed him his entire lifetime. He was taller than his classmates. He played High School Football while working on the school newspaper. Hemingway has the ability to be all things. I think that is what makes his writing so great. He can touch many Different Levels of life and different social levels of life and relate to them all. In key west, he walked around barefoot, fish blood on his shorts, open shirt, unshaven. That is hemingway. He is not in a tux and tied to go out to dinner. That is money. The most common image is hemingway sitting in front of his typewriter. There are people that have a justification or cause on why hemingway committed suicide on july 2, 1961. I have a personal perspective, knowing what i know about him. He was suffering from depression. He was being treated at the mayo clinic. He was undergoing something very experimental, called electroshock therapy. At that time we had no fda controls on that. It is experimental. We shock you for five seconds this week and 10 seconds next week or sooner or next week. Sooner or later we will figure out the right dosage for his wife mary thought he was being used as a guinea pig and sued. They later settled. Hemingway is undergoing electroshock treatment and lost his capacity to write. He would sit before a sheet of paper for hours at a time and could not think of one word. He was suffering from a shrapnel wound in his leg. He was starting to walk with a cane. Castro had taken over cuba. The revolution had started. He was unable to return to his home in cuba and his boat, pilar, his love of the latin community, walking with a cane. Hemingway saw himself six feet tall, 200 pounds, with a 1200 pound marlin at his side. He would not be photographed publicly in a wheelchair. 1961, he took the opportunity to clock himself out. Do i feel badly about that . Yes. Do i blame him . No. I understand what inspired him and i understand his ego. He will and always will be six foot tall and 200 pounds. He wrote because he loved to write. One of my favorite hemingway quotes was from a reporter interviewing him. What age did you know you would be a writer . He said, ive always known. I was born to be a writer. He felt he was the greatest

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