Ahead of the assembly polls in Punjab and the remaining phases of the Uttar Pradesh elections, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has issued a video statement in which he said that he was called "Maun Mohan" then but now the country remembers the good work done by him. He appealed to
: Saturday, April 24, 2021, 2:30 AM IST
It s only now dawning on us that winning elections is one thing & good governance quite another, writes Anil Singh
It was not lost on voters that the PMâs speech came on the eve of Ram Navami. âRam rajyaâ is not to be confused with a temple in his name. God today is to be found in the temples of modern India; the labs which make vaccines, the hospitals, the oxygen plants. As for traditional temples, the richest one in India, Tirupati, has sacked its employees.
PM Narendra Modi
As a combative campaigner for the BJP in the West Bengal assembly polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was so enthused by the sea of humanity at his rallies that he foresaw a big wave sweeping his party to power. Instead, the Covid tsunami swept Indians into hospitals which ran short of beds, medicines and even oxygen. Here, the PM was clearly out of his depth as he addressed the nation on Tuesday night.