brazilian police confirm that remains found in the amazon rain forest are those of british journalist dom phillips. ah. on all matheson, this is al jazeera, alive from dough hop. also coming up president vladimir zalinski welcomes the european commission support for ukraine s e u membership. wow. i congolese soldiers killed in rwanda, making things even more tense between the 2 neighbors and defying illegal satler s and his railey forces, palestinians raised their flag in the occupied westbank brazilian police say human reigns, find in the amazon rain forest or those of missing british journalistic dom phillips of yet to identify other remains thought to belong to indigenous expert. bruno put ada, who was traveling with phillips, investigate, to say, a suspect in custody has confessed to killing the man and burying them in the rain forest. but local, indigenous people insist organized crime groups were involved, monica and ikea reports from rio de janeiro. using dna matching
a sign of appreciation for the met employees and a fresh approach to art from an age old institution. kristen salumi al jazeera new york. ah, this is all just, these are the tell stories, please. in brazil say human remains, find the amazon rain forest have been confirmed as those of missing british journalists to dumb phillips there yet to identify other remains thought to belong to indigenous experts. bruno put ada, when can you not give has more from rio de janeiro people from their java, the valley. they say that this is part of a bigger picture. it s not just 2 local fishermen killing 2 people. it s just, it s a part of a bigger ah crime scene where there are drug cartels involved when there is a lot of legal activity going on. and the government has turned a blind eye to wit, which has made it possible for these kinds of crimes. to be committed or getting reports, there s been a series of explosions in the afghan capital. one is said to have happened at a seek temple in
a number of explosions hit the afghan capital one of them targets us seek temple. ah, i m robinson, this is our deceive, alive from doha. also coming up resilient, please confirm the domains found in the amazon rain forest, all those of but his journalist dom phillips, residents of lot of music as he welcomes the european commission supports for ukraine s e u membership plus i m not going to be with them yet. i m going to our international meeting president biden s as his controversial trip to saudi arabia, a wanting to talk with crime prince muhammad been sama ah at least one person s reportedly been killed in a blas at a seek place of worship. in the afghan capital. seek officials say they ve evacuated 3 people from the temple in kabul. as many as the 30 people are thought to have been inside when the explosion happened. it was one of a series of blasts in the capitol on saturday morning. brazilian, please say human remains found on the amazon rain forest. all those of miss
a few tigers and sphinx cuz i work in egypt department. the exhibit is a sign of appreciation for the med employees and a fresh approach to art from an age old institution. kristin salumi al jazeera new york. ah this is al jazeera. these are the top stories, at least one person supposedly been killed in a blast at a sick place of worship, in the afghan capital. seek officials say they ve evacuated 3 people from the temple and couple as many as 30 people i thought would be an inside. when the explosion happened, 5000 is a professor of political science a couple university. he says the taliban is struggling to deal with internal security threats. such a tax on minorities are of been recently are in there. my responsibility has been usually taken by now does share her son, but there are many other groups. also arctic for it is simply if you see the, it is not resistance or my a for it is the earliest national to the resistance for this is the rober freedom fighters at the name o
me. the brazilian police confirmed the remain sounds in the amazon rain forest belong to british journalists on phillips. ah, you re watching l 0. live from headquarters in del himes. navigate also ahead. ukrainians are ready to die or the euro pin prospective. we want them to live with the european dream, the european commission backs ukraine membership bed moving it a step closer to joining the blog. congress the soldiers killed in rolando, escalating tensions between the 2 neighbors. the shooting out for london forces on western europe swelter is under an unusually early heat wave. scientists are blaming climate change. ah hello, we begin in brazil, that s where a human remains found. in the amazon rain forest have been confirmed as missing, british journalists dom phillips authorities have yet to identify other remains thought to belong to indigenous expert. bruno perrera, who was traveling with phillips investigator say, a suspecting custody has confessed to killing the