Several members of the Murfreesboro Planning Commission stated their disapproval last Wednesday of a proposed recreation plaza at The Avenue because of safety concerns.
This Wednesday Evening: The City of Murfreesboro Planning Department will hold a Public Informational Meeting on the proposed Future Land Use Map Update, this Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022. The Update is proposed “to better capture the anticipated growth patterns and vision for the City of Murfreesboro.” The Public Meeting will be held in the rotunda on the first floor of the Murfreesboro City Hall from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.Attendees can talk to Planning Department staff at the meet .
The Murfreesboro City Council has approved the first phase of an $11 million street improvements project along Brinkley Road near Blackman High School.
The Murfreesboro City Council approved an annexation and zoning request for property along Veals Road and an engineering supplement to address sewer capacity.