Welcome to One Nation, thanks for dating early or late. Tonights show is a good one. What does Donald Trump have to do to win it is he doing just that . The reason for Free Speech and do you remember when snl was funny across The Street . He did, too and Dave Mccormick want to be the next senator from pennsylvania and the basic dead heat. If trump wins, he wins. I caught up with him on the Campaign Trail. I hope you will love the future but we begin with this. Election interference is already having an trump is already paying the price. Attorney general confirming Trump Campaign is packed since august and still being hacked today. There are actors in this world that poses greater threat to the national security, united states as is iran. The u. S. Government is intensely tracking plotting against current and former u. S. Government officials including former President Trump. Not only are they threatening him but they took all of his campaign seven give it to media outlets including bid
Welcome to one nation, thanks for dating early or late. Tonight s show is a good one. What does donald trump have to do to win it is he doing just that? the reason for free speech and do you remember when snl was funny across the street? he did, too and dave mccormick want to be the next senator from pennsylvania and the basic dead heat. If trump wins, he wins. I caught up with him on the campaign trail. I hope you will love the future but we begin with this. Election interference is already having an trump is already paying the price. Attorney general confirming trump campaign is packed since august and still being hacked today. There are actors in this world that poses greater threat to the national security, united states as is iran. The u. S. Government is intensely tracking plotting against current and former u. S. Government officials including former president trump. Not only are they threatening him but they took all of his campaign seven give it to media outlets including bide
Mantan Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Jimly Assiddhiqie mengatakan bahwa Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi tidak bisa mencalonkan diri sebagai calon wakil presiden (cawapres).
Koordinator Sekretariat Bersama Prabowo–Jokowi, Ghea Giasty Italiane mengatakan pihaknya akan menggelar talkshow bersama soal Judicial Review ke Mahkamah Konstitusi terhadap pasal 169 huruf n Undang-undang Nomor 7 tahun 2017 yang bertentangan dengan pasal 7 UUD 1945.
Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) mengklarifikasi pernyataan soal presiden yang telah terpilih dua periode boleh menjadi calon wakil presiden (cawapres) pada Pemilu 2024.