106-year-old Shyam Saran Negi, the first voter of Independent India, exercised his right to franchise for the 34th time for the Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections through a postal ballot at his residence in Kinnaur district on Wednesday.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday praised 106-year-old Shyam Saran Negi, a resident of Himachal Pradesh s Kinnaur, for exercising his right to franchise for the 34th time.
Shyam Saran Negi was escorted on a red carpet to the booth where he exercised his right to vote, and his vote was quickly sealed in an envelope and deposited in the ballot box.
106-year-old Shyam Saran Negi, the first voter of Independent India, exercised his right to franchise for the 34th time for the Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections through a postal ballot at his residence in Kinnaur district on Wednesday.