quietly still doing this? i don t believe that an airplane is the best place to avoid an infection. i ve definitely gotten some infections very. enough about the bathroom. i have worn a mask on an airplane and i ve still gotten sick, so according to that scientific study it does not make a difference for it. was that the american journa of kat timpf. it s called peer review. i just said it here to peers. i don t want to hear where a mask. they are so mean to you on. and it s like you want to say i am playing you. you have no power. you have no right. they have all the power now. it s all about the masking on airlines and they are so mean about that. they re is no more murderous
welcome welcome a wow. this is an 18 hour flight back to get this will end up in an airport that s going to be $35. it such a long flight, i wish i had something good to read. here, you can take this. so airlines, i want to help you we re all going through this together, but it wont help by polarizing is even more. who is giving you customer-service advice anyway. anthony fauci? they re are violent passengers and i have flown with some amazing flight crews, some of them don t even make me sit in booster seat. but i ve also been with jerks to . still the nice people far outweigh the jerks. if i won t smear an industry
i tell you there s a virus of stupidity going around in those two are super spreaders. i ve been a big supporters of the airlines throughout this an i love the flight crews, some say a little two much, dependin on the hub of. but now sadly for some workers, and you know who they are, usin this as an excuse to exercise power, getting the crew against the customers only creates more of these more complex it s almost as bad as forcing us to watch cnn at the airport gates for it all be wearing mask on a flight to arizona, it may even be made of leather. but i hope that i m treated wit the same respect that i treat all the great people who are going to work that flight, or maybe i just said that now so i don t get detention tomorrow.
i got dumped by them. my favorite story at the airlines is the florida man who went on with the red on his face . you really wanted to stick it t the government and airlines tha badly that you went out and asked your girlfriend for one o her or you bought one just to stick it to the man. did he try it on first? on his face? it was pretty and red. dr. fatty was going to have next . it raises the question where is he putting the mask? clearly roso parks for the covid era. he said that i watched his
because of some overzealous workers, may be don t punish th law-abiding due to if you d net bag straight let s be fair to each other it s more fun to be deck taped to a chair conceptually. here is a gutfeld rule, don t treat us like world criminals because the mask slips. sometimes masks do slip. it doesn t mean i tried to open the emergency exit. we pretty much know that masks are pointless, the science of clean playing ill or filtering technology shows that removes nearly all airborne contamination. maybe we should make all rooms like airplane cabins for these ceos that two of the largest airlines the government mask mandate while flying serves little to no benefit at all. i think the case is very strong that mask don t add much if anything in the air cabin environment. it is the safest place you