A special National Investigation Agency (NIA) Court in Jharkhand's Ranchi on May 22 sent Dinesh Gope, self-styled supremo of the outlawed Naxal outfit,
Dinesh Gope alias Kuldeep Yadav was a notorious Maoist of People's Liberation Front of India (PLFI) was wanted in at least 10 criminal cases in various states.
A special National Investigation Agency (NIA) Court in Jharkhand s Ranchi on Monday sent Dinesh Gope, self-styled supremo of the outlawed Naxal outfit, People s Liberation Front of India (PLFI), to eight days custody.
Jharkhand-based Maoist outfit People's Liberation Front of India's supremo (PLFI) Dinesh Gope, who had a reward of Rs 30 lakh on his head, was arrested in Delhi following a raid by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Sunday, officials .