A viable to download all stream. It sounds like. The music of the. Late this is a cuckoo. You dont have to be a much sought the pier 35 this is the prius of a small digital box is a not to create new turns sounds rhythms and melodies maybe even a heat created in your own home and via a digital platform streamed millions of times. Even the human body can be turned into an instrument. Touch design a p. C. On pages has come up with a device that resound bodies movements in some intense than into music. But whats really funny is whats already happening to our. The music streaming revolution has changed our relationship with music and the way. Consumption of music is becoming ever more personalized what we listen to is no longer decided by us but its the result of huge amounts of accumulated and analyzed. Tailor made music to each and every single person. Music portals of the future will make suggestions depending on how data situation depending on the time of day. Or mental condition. Body
A viable to download or stream. Will it sound like. The music of the future. This is a cool this is a we dont have to be a mozart. Here 35 this is the prius out a small digital box is a not to create new turns sounds rhythms and melodies maybe even a heat created in your own home and via a digital platform streamed millions of times. Even the human body can be turned into an instrument. Touch design a p. C. On pages has come up with a device that reads our bodies movements and sounds intense them into music. But whats really new york is whats already happening to us. The music streaming revolution has changed our relationship with music and the way to use it. Our consumption of music is becoming ever more personalized what we listen to is no longer decided by us but its the result of huge amounts of accumulated and analyzed. Tailor made music to each and every single person. Music portals of the future will make suggestions depending on how das a situation depending on the time of day.
A viable to download all stream. Will it sound like. The music of the future. This is a cuckoo. You dont have to be a much sought the pier 35 this is the prius pulled out a small digital box is enough to create new turns sounds rhythms and melodies maybe even a heat created in your own home and via a digital platform streamed millions of times. Even the human body can be turned into an instrument. Touch design a p. C. On pages has come up with a device that reads our bodies movements and sound intense them into music. But whats really is whats already happening to us. The music streaming revolution has changed our lation shift with music and the way to use it. Consumption of music is becoming ever more personalized what we listen to is no longer decided by us but its the result of huge amounts of accumulated and analyzed. Tailor made music for each and every single person. Music portals of the future will make suggestions depending on how doc the situation depending on the time of day.
Late this is cool. You dont have to be a much saat the pier 35 this is the prius out a small digital box is a not to create new terms sounds rhythms and melodies maybe even a heat created in your own home and via a digital platform streamed mean hundreds of times. Even the human body can be turned into an instrument. Touch design a p. C. On pages has come up with a device that resound bodies movements and sounds intense them into music. But whats really is whats already happening to us. The music streaming revolution has changed our election shift with music and the way to use it. Our consumption of music is becoming ever more personalized what we listen to is no longer decided by us but is the result of huge amounts of accumulated and analyzed. Tailor made music to each and every single person. Music portals of the future will make suggestions depending on how data situation depending on the time of day. You mentioned condition. Body temperature. Account balance. And if these bostrom
We start with music and a landmark ruling by the European Unions top colt the case involving iconic german band kroft back and hip hop producer moses pelham who used to crawfish sample on a 99 head of his European Court of justice ruled that if the song but is recognizable music producers have to oss the office of mission a case that could affect the future of music. And the future of music is actually what were going to concentrate all now call fact were only pretending to be robots in the 1970s today robot soul some form of ai creating music composing it and access to music has changed everything is a viable to download all stream. Will it sound like. The music of the future. L. A. This is cool this is you dont have to be a much sought the pier 35 this is the prius of how a small digital box is and not to create new tones sounds rhythms and melodies maybe even the heat created in your own home and via a digital platform streamed mean hundreds of times. Even though the human body can