We start with music and a landmark ruling by the European Unions top colt the case involving iconic german band kroft back and hip hop producer moses pelham who used to crawfish sample on a 99 head of his European Court of justice ruled that if the song but is recognizable music producers have to oss the office of mission a case that could affect the future of music. And the future of music is actually what were going to concentrate all now call fact were only pretending to be robots in the 1970s today robot soul some form of ai creating music composing it and access to music has changed everything is a viable to download all stream. Will it sound like. The music of the future. L. A. This is cool this is you dont have to be a much sought the pier 35 this is the prius of how a small digital box is and not to create new tones sounds rhythms and melodies maybe even the heat created in your own home and via a digital platform streamed mean hundreds of times. Even though the human body can
play doh. like that but it s also now a composer and it has been for some time has been used with music way back to the 1960 s. the ai in composition also raises questions in terms of copyright and of course originality artificial intelligence can do a lot but one thing that it doesn t do that well in music it doesn t break rules well and it doesn t invent new styles very well the album hello world which came out last year by sky is composed using artificial intelligence with contributions from various artists this is this song magic maryland suburb just any. it s good so likable isn t that other artists are using a lot of artificial intelligence in a way that doesn t rot them out of the creative process people like holy hand and she is working together with the art of intelligence with other other artists sort