The Fire Commission a regular meeting, wednesday, july 10th, 2019, and the time is just after 9 00 a. M. Item one, roll call. [roll call] item two, general Public Comment members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commissions jurisdiction and does not appear on the agenda. Speaker should address the remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with a speaker. The lack of response from the commissioners is not necessarily constituting agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. Thank you, madame secretary. Is there any Public Comment in item two . Come up to the podium. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Questions or discussions from commissioners . Item three, approval of the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve Meeting Minutes of the june 26th, 2019 meeting. On item three, approval
That weve been doing coastal rescue drills. Thats consistent. We have our p. L. O. Go out and hand out materials, and we talked about that in the past because this is a heavily travelled area for visitors. And so we do a lot of handouts and fliers, and also, all of the companies that are on the coastal stations, theyve been doing constant drilling out there. So theyre doing rope rescue drills, theyre doing water drills im sorry lowangle drills, highangle drills, boat drills, everything that involves coastal drills. I can list them for you next time, if you like. I have some of the pictures in the slides that i gave you. I knew this was a little bit of a longer presentation, so i shortened it and took some of that out. Chairwoman no problem at all. Then. Lets see. At the chase center, are you going to have an afteraction report for that, you know, when you have the drill . We will. We will. We will have the take takeaways from it, for sure. Chairwoman i think all of the commissioners wo
Commissioners or department personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with a speaker. The lack of response from the commissioners is not necessarily constituting agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. Thank you, madame secretary. Is there any Public Comment in item two . Come up to the podium. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Questions or discussions from commissioners . Item three, approval of the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve Meeting Minutes of the june 26th, 2019 meeting. On item three, approval of the minutes. Is there any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you. Commissioners . Move. Second. Thank you very much. All in favor say aye . Aye. Any opposed . None. Thank you very much. Madame secretary . Item four, chief of departments reports. Report from Janine Nicholson on current issues, activities, and events within the Department Since a Fire Commission meeting on june 26th,
WHEIN TOWN, Paynesville – The city of Paynesville on the outskirt of Monrovia stands the risk of being one of the dirtiest cities on the continent due to the collapse of the only aged bulldozer that was being used for the spreading of garbage at the