Trust and coast eroded, Indian fishing hamlet boycotts polls
An estimated 7,000 voters boycotted Tuesday s local elections, saying there was no point in voting since government never listens nor fulfills its pledges to protect their fast-shrinking corner of southern Kerala.
Written By:
Anuradha Nagaraj / Reuters | 1:00 am, Apr. 8, 2021 ×
A damaged police station as a result of rising sea levels and coastal erosion is seen at the Sagar island February 19, 2007. All that separates residents from a rising sea is a mud embankment, a fragile barrier tasked with holding back the inevitable flood that one day will wash away their island home. Hundreds living on West Bengal s sparsely populated Moushuni island - part of the Sunderbans national park and the world s largest mangrove forest - has never heard the term global warming but they are living with its consequences. Picture taken February 19, 2007. REUTERS/Jayanta Shaw (INDIA)