Karen Shuman from the Culver Visitor’s Center and Redevelopment Commission, Marty Oosterbaan of the Culver Redevelopment Commission, Plymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi, and Matt Hovermale General Manager of the Swan Lake Resort appeared before the Marshall County Commissioners on Monday with concerns on the current county ordinance for the Innkeeper’s Tax. They requested a review
Last week the County Commissioners approved the request of WIC Coordinator Ashley Derf to apply for the 2024 WIC Fiscal grant. The grant request was in the amount of $260,901.61 and Derf explained that the funding comes from the USDA and is disbursed to the Indiana Department of Health and distributed to the counties. The
The Mashall County Commissioners will meet at 9:30 a.m. Monday in their second-floor meeting room of the County Building. The meeting is open to the public and streamed live on the county’s website at www.co.marshall.in.us. County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters will update the commissioners on activities in his department and Shannon McLeod from Priority Projects
The Marshall County Commissioners meet Monday morning at 8:30 in their second-floor meeting room of the County building. The agenda for their meeting includes a report from Jason Peters, the County Highway Superintendent along with the first quarterly report from Jack Garner the new EMA Director. The County Sheriff Matt Hassel will present a services
On Monday, September 25th the Culver-Union Township Board of Trustees released a statement to the citizens of Culver and Union Township along with the patrons of the Culver-Union Township Public Library. The statement says, “Last Friday our reconstituted board completed a second board meeting, and by Wednesday of this week, we will have met three