The Kirksville Parks and Recreation Department held the last of their four summer block parties on Sunday, Aug. 6 at Brashear Park on East Normal Avenue. Families attending the event were treated to free hot dogs, lemonade, cotton candy, snow cones, water fights, a suds machine, a fire truck and more.
A ribbon cutting was held for the opening of the new Kirksville Labyrinth Center above the Spur Pond off of Osteopathy Street on Thursday, July 27. The project was a longtime goal of Anne Moody, a chemistry professor at Truman State, who has been interested in labyrinth’s for many years. She was encouraged to fulfill her dream of building the labyrinth by Elsie Gaber, a former colleague at Truman State University and a member of the Thousand Hills Rotary Club, who sought out connections and benefactors that could assist with making the project a success.
The Kirksville Parks and Recreation Department held the third of their four summer block parties on July 30 at Memorial Park on East Cottonwood Street, Families attending the event were treated to free hot dogs, lemonade, cotton candy, snow cones, water fights, a suds machine, a fire truck and more. The final block party will be held on Aug. 6 from 3-5 p.m., at Brashear Park on Normal Avenue.
Emma Whitlock was crowned the 2023 NEMO Fair Queen at the 76th Annual NEMO Fair Queen Pageant, which was held on Sunday, July 16 in the multi-purpose building at the fairgrounds. Addie Bunch was crowned the 2023 NEMO Fair Young Miss and Clare Gordon was crowned the 2023 NEMO Fair Teen Miss.