When Adolf Hitler marched into Austria year ago "His Most Apostolic Majesty" Otto von Habsburg, 26-year-old pretender to the Austro-Hungarian throne, entered objections. Blustering Field…
Dr. Robert Ley, Nazi Labor Front leader,cribbed a few words from Karl Marx's and Friedrich Engels' CommunistManifesto, stole a sentence from Richard Wagner's opera Siegfried…
Overtime is only a figure of speech inGermany these days. Recently Marshal Hermann Goring appointedEfficiency Expert Paul Walther to investigate the coal industry: themen were…
Perhaps because their work carries themabove earthbound creatures, making them feel transcendental even inmundane war, fighting airmen have always laid claim to greatergallantry than other…
The wine cellar of La Tour d Argent, the oldest restaurant in Paris, is so venerated that only customers who order the most expensive vintages are granted a guided tour.