to local hospitals or, like windstream communications, you can dream it and do i windstream lists on nasdaq, the world s most innovative can-do exchange. [ woman ] chopping and peeling can be kinda relaxing at the end of the day. [ female announcer ] relaxing for who? try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new steam pouch locks in the fresh taste of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. unions have a strangle hold on the automaker work force in michigan. but they ve also extended their web into the homes of michigan residents as well. the united auto workers has forced at home child providers to sign a mandatory union agreement back in 2006 but now, some of those workers are suing
[ woman ] chopping and peeling can be kinda relaxing at the end of the day. [ female announcer ] relaxing for who? try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new steam pouch locks in the fresh taste of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. welcome back, everyone. glad you re up. during his appearance on meet the press former secretary of state colin powell claims america may be losing the war in afghanistan. kind of. some of these generals are saying we re making progress.
thanks so much for joining us this morning. thank you, alex. a city but drufr in portland, oregon, is on administrative leave after cell phone video shows him appearing to read an e-book while driving. the alleged incident occurred thursday on a bus full of people. so a passenger who saw the e-reader on the dashboard decided to use his own electronic device, his cell phone to catch the driver reading while driving. can you see that? that s just not good. [ female announcer ] relaxing for who? try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new steam pouch locks in the fresh taste of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. i know who works differently than many other allergy medications. hoo? omnaris. [ men ] omnaris to the nose! [ man ] did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nosebleed, and sore
emerged as a suspect has been scratched off the list. at least officially by police. she had a boyfriend. she had an ex-boyfriend. the there are people in her family that suspect one or the other. at the moment nothing is pointing to either win of them. it is a true mystery. we want to remind you again a dream house mystery on dateline tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. a, and what it lets them do. the thing i love most about zyrtec® is that it allows me to be outside. [ male announcer ] we bet you ll love zyrtec®, too or it s free. [ vonetta ] it is countdown to marshmallow time. [ woman laughs ] [ woman ] chopping and peeling can be kinda relaxing at the end of the day. [ female announcer ] relaxing for who? try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new steam pouch locks in the fresh taste of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. when i went on medicare, i did the numbers. that was the moment of truth. medicare by itself doe
and leaves a light fresh scent. never a harsh smell. [ family ] ahhhhhh. [ male announcer ] it s a breath of fresh air. [ woman ] chopping and peeling can be kinda relaxing at the end of the day. [ female announcer ] relaxing for who? try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new steam pouch locks in the fresh taste of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. an accidental touch can turn ordinary into something more. moments can change anytime just like that. and when they do men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven, low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications, and ask if you re healthy enough for sexual activity. don t take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood p