Sound check. [ light laughter ] check, one, two check, one, two. I invented jet skis. Check, one, two. [ light laughter ] dung former Trump Campaign manager, cory lewandowskis appearance before congress today, one representative called lewandowski, quote, some kind of forrest gump relating to corruption, due to his appearance in numerous scandals. Hey, if the haircut fits [ light laughter ] President Trump watched his former Campaign Manager cory lewandowskis congressional testimony today from aboard air force one. And when youre trying to prove youre not a criminal, it doesnt help that your boss is watching from the getaway car. [ laughter ] dont land yet. I want to see how this goes. [ light laughter ] during an event in South Carolina, yesterday, republican president ial challenger mark sanford held a mock debate against a cardboard cutout of President Trump. [ light laughter ] you could tell the cutout wasnt the real trump, because it made some good points [ laughter ] according [
Independents, 2027488002. You can also send us a text message. That number, 2027488003. If you do, please include your name and where you are from. Otherwise, catch up with us on social media. On twitter it is cspanwj. On facebook it is facebook. Com cspan. A very good wednesday morning to you, you can start calling in now. It was expected to be the most highprofile testimony of the week and there is plenty of reaction to get to. It was a nine hour deposition and most of the reporting comes from the Opening Statement that William Taylor made yesterday. It was a 15page Opening Statement obtained by the Washington Post and other news outlets. Here is a bit of what William Taylor told lawmakers at the outset of his testimony. He said Gordon Sondland told me that President Trump had told him he wants ukraine president zelensky to state ukraine will investigate the Energy Company where joe bidens son had worked and alleged ukrainian interference in the 2016 election. Ambassador sans len tol
Stereotypes about how men and women should behave. It discriminates against her the same way as Price Waterhouse discriminated against and hopkins for failing to walk and talk more feminine league. And hopkins that would lose her case on the same facts. Second, harris fired her for identifying as a woman only because she was assigned male sex at birth. In doing so they fired her for contravening a sex specific expectation that applies only to people assigned male sex at birth. They live and identify as a man for their entire lives. Is mistreatment on the basis of sex. Harris fired her for changing her sex, that is discrimination the same way firing someone for changing their religion would be religious dissemination. Harris would fire transgender men for being insufficiently feminine and transgender women for being insufficiently mass killing is as the government conceives none of these arguments ask the court to redefine or update sex. Minimum sex a assigned at birth based on physical
Opening of British Parliament is set to begin soon. This event marking the formal start of the parliamentary year. Queen elizabeth ii will make a speech to the parliament. We understand the queen has arrived. She is being prepared for her appearance here. It should begin soon. Live coverage on cspan. Queen elizabeth please be seated. My lords and members of the house of commons. My governments priority has always been to secure the United Kingdoms departure from the European Union on the 31st of october. My government intends to work towards a new partnership with the European Union based on free trade and friendly cooperation. My ministers will work to implement new regimes for fisheries, agriculture and trade seizing the opportunities that arise from leaving the European Union. An immigration bill ending Free Movement will lay the foundation for a fair and modern immigration system. My government remains committed to ensuring that resident european citizen who is have built their liv
President , madam secretary, madam speaker, governor, theds, colleagues, staff , the parable soil tells us, stands for those with , who heard good heart it, and byetain persevering, produce a crop. Elijah cummings came from good soil. And in this sturdy frame goodness took root. His parents were sharecroppers from the south. They picked tobacco and strawberries and then sop in the city ofr south baltimore. Robert worked shifts at a plant, and ruth cleaned other peoples homes. They became parents of seven, preachers to a small flock. I remember i had the pleasure of meeting elijahs mother, ruth, and she told me she prayed for me every day, and i knew it was true, and i felt better for it. Sometimes, people say they are praying for you, and you dont know. [applause] pres. Obama they might be praying about you. [laughter] pres. Obama but you dont know if they are praying for you. But i knew miss ruth was telling the truth. So they were the proverbial salt of the earth, and they passed on