Sound check. [ light laughter ] check, one, two check, one, two. I invented jet skis. Check, one, two. [ light laughter ] dung former Trump Campaign manager, cory lewandowskis appearance before congress today, one representative called lewandowski, quote, some kind of forrest gump relating to corruption, due to his appearance in numerous scandals. Hey, if the haircut fits [ light laughter ] President Trump watched his former Campaign Manager cory lewandowskis congressional testimony today from aboard air force one. And when youre trying to prove youre not a criminal, it doesnt help that your boss is watching from the getaway car. [ laughter ] dont land yet. I want to see how this goes. [ light laughter ] during an event in South Carolina, yesterday, republican president ial challenger mark sanford held a mock debate against a cardboard cutout of President Trump. [ light laughter ] you could tell the cutout wasnt the real trump, because it made some good points [ laughter ] according [ cheers and applause according to a new study, couples who have been married longer have fewer arguments. Mainly because theyve stopped talking. [ light laughter ] following her rally in new york last night, senator Elizabeth Warren spent four hours taking selfies with supporters meanwhile, bernie took one selfie that lasted four hours because the camera was accidentally set to video. [ laughter and applause and finally, australian newsouta fire at a Genetics Laboratory caused a massive explosion of cryogenically frozen bull semen. [ light laughter ] also causing a massive explosion of bull semen, this little lady. [ laughter and applause ladies and gentlemen, we got a great show for you tonight [ cheers and applause he is the star of the conners, returning for his Second Season next week on abc one of our favorites, john goodman is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause you can see him in the new netflix film in the shadow of the moon. Hes a fantastic actor were so glad hes back. Michael c. Hall, everybody [ cheers and applause and we will have music from grammynominated Country Group midland is here, everybody [ cheers and applause so its going to be a great show before before we get to all of that, the third democratic debate was held last week, but i think there were a lot of important questions left unanswered so we decided to hold another one right here, right now. Thats right, all ten of the qualifying candidates are here, and theyre ready to go. So without further ado, heres the late night democratic president ial debate. [ cheers and applause seth welcome to the late night 2020 democratic president ial debate. Im your moderator, seth meyers. Lets get started. Not a day goes by that the president doesnt make news with his twitter feed congressman orourke, who do you think writes Donald Trumps tweets a 5yearold child in kindergarten [ laughter ] seth senator warren, who has donald trump appointed to run the treasury economic tools. [ light laughter ] seth and who does he have running the state Department Diplomatic tools. [ light laughter ] seth and who did he hire to run the epa . Regulatory tools. [ light laughter ] seth and if you are elected, who will you get rid of . All the tools [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause seth hey hey, senator sanders, check this out. Two points. [ laughter and applause seth Vice President biden, whos your wife jill going to vote for in the primary . Shes for bernie. [ audience ohs ] [ light laughter ] seth secretary castro, what does joe biden fantasize about during these debates me, shutting up [ light laughter ] seth congressman orourke, what does the expiration stamp say on a box of twinkies good for 1,500 years. [ light laughter ] seth senator booker, what does mike pence call his bed the altar of purity [ laughter and applause seth mr. Yang, how is your relationship with your wife . Weve been in a state of continuous Armed Conflict for 18 years [ laughter and applause seth senator klobuchar, what did you say when you visited florida . Thats a lot of seniors [ light laughter ] seth senator sanders, what time do you eat breakfast . At 3 00 in the morning. [ light laughter ] seth senator warren, why do we need medicare for all Insurance Companies last year sucked [ laughter ] seth mayor buttigieg, how old is the filetofish in the warming bin at mcdonalds . Could be 18 years old [ laughter ] seth Vice President biden, you said that if elected you would declare tj maxx a federal disaster site, why ive been there youve been there. You know what its like. [ laughter and applause seth senator booker, whats the worst part about having that beautiful shiny bald head . Everybody feels it. [ light laughter ] seth senator harris, question for you some people peel a banana from the top, while others do it from the bottom how would you do it . I would try to do it from the inside [ laughter ] seth senator warren, what do you like to do for fun in your free time . Line my dollies up and teach school [ laughter and applause seth senator klobuchar, this question is a layup. You cant possibly screw this up what is your favorite line from the Movie Star Wars . Houston, we have a problem. [ light laughter ] seth Vice President biden, i heard you bought a cabinet at ikea over the weekend, how is that going it can not be put together. [ laughter ] let me say it again. It will not be put together. [ cheers and applause seth seems very stressed out about that senator sanders, if we were role playing as celebrity couple John Krasinski and emily blunt, who would you want to be let me be blunt seth okay, great [ laughter ] i will be John Krasinski okay, so lets go celebrity role play, here we go hi, emily, im home. You got three people in america earning more wealth than the bottom half of this country. [ light laughter ] seth that doesnt sound like something emily blunt would say. [ laughter ] i dont want to do this any more secretary castro, where sorry. Secretary castro, what is air force one doing when it takes off . Elevating a dictator. [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause seth congressman orourke, ive been married for five years now, do you have any suggestions on how to keep things fresh in the bedroom . Bondage [ light laughter ] seth you should be ashamed of yourself. [ laughter ] kamala, how about you . Any tips for me and my wife in the bedroom . Wear cameras and keep them on full time. [ light laughter ] seth oh god, you guys are full on freaks [ light laughter ] secretary castro, when you get the kids menu at dennys, is it enough to just finish the maze on the back . I also believe that we have to connect the dots. [ light laughter ] seth senator klobuchar, when is the best time to use tinder if you want action, now [ light laughter ] seth senator sanders, what do you call that damn thing on the front of a damn ducks damn head the damn bill, if i may say so [ laughter and applause seth senator booker senator booker, if you have a son someday and have to give him the sex talk, what will you say . If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together [ laughter and applause seth all right okay well, i dont think were going to beat that looks like were out of time so on behalf of all of the candidates, have a good night. Well be right back with john goodman, everybody. [ cheers and applause trickortreat. Bye. Thank you. Happy halloween. What have you got . This is all you bring me on halloween . Its 2 candies in 1. Gum and lollipops. [yawning] are you serious . Pleasure doing business with you. Yeah. Woo. [wolf howling] gnocchis. S. Raviolis. And them smokeys. Curry. Fried turkey. Cacciatori. Chimichurri. Berry. Mcflurry. mcdonalds half stack. Taco pack. Lobster mac. And them baby back baby backs. We are americas kitchen. Doordash. Every flavor welcome. Oh, come on. Flo dont worry. Youre covered. dramatic music and youre saving money, because you bundled home and auto. Sarah, get in the house. Were all here for you. All all day, all night. dramatic music great job speaking calmly and clearly everyone. Thats how you put a customer at ease. Hey, did anyone else hear weird voices while they were in the corn . No. No. Me either. Whispering voice jamie. What . Just get one of me looking off. How is she there and were here . Condoms. True. Dont hatelike their trip, book yours with hotels. Com and get rewarded basically everywhere. Hotels. Com. Be there. Do that. Get rewarded. Is just like our originalhn sandwiches. Only littler. So we bought a little ad. On lil jon. Little johns, yeah 3, what . vo the big dogs. The old dogs. The deaf, blind, the different. Subaru presents the underdogs. These shelter dogs still love unconditionally. Theyre just hoping to find their human, who does too. To help, subaru is establishing National Make a dogs day to ask you to please consider adopting an underdog, or do something extraspecial for your dog. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band, right over there [ cheers and applause back with us tonight, hes the drummer for a fantastic reggae rock band from kona, hawaii pepper be sure to check out their latest album, local motion, which is available now on law records. Yesod williams, everybody. Thank you so much for being here, yesod. All right [ cheers and applause thanks, seth seth our first guest tonight is an emmy and golden globewinning actor you know him from his work in the big lebowski and such shows as roseanne and the righteous gemstones. He stars in the conners which returns tuesday, september 24th on abc please welcome back to the show, our good friend john goodman, everybody. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back. Look at you. Oh, im all right seth you look fantastic. Thank you seth you look fantas and you i know your exercise. One of your exercise choices is boxing yeah, or as i call it, being a 67yearold guy who pays a guy to let me let me hit his hands. [ laughter ] but i look cool. I got gloves on and shorts and stuff. The tights seth yeah. And do how old were you the first time you put on gloves the three fingered kind [ laughter ] ive been doing it off and on for 20 years seth okay, gotcha. Yeah. Seth its a really good workout. Yeah yeah, it is seth and does he move the hands at all or does he tell you, john, theyre gonna be here all day. [ laughter ] no, i pay him to move those hands. Seth okay. Thats what its i paid you to move those hands, man. Seth all right, good tell me which one it is. Seth well, its paying off you look fantastic thank you seth and you have to you have to be fit right now because have you two shows on air. Two Television Shows this is a lot of work. What . Seth yeah. [ laughter ] thats nuts seth the conners. Yeah. Seth this is youve been playing an iteration of this character over a couple decades, maybe 12 seasons right . Yeah, years seth years yes, decades. Seth and then the righteous gemstones. Yeah. Seth which is new on hbo which just started, yeah. Seth this is a Danny Mcbride show yes seth are you enjoying this yes, sir. Seth yeah. Very much so. Great writing, terrific cast seth its such a its such a fun cast right here we got you right there you sort of play the patriarch of a televangelist family. Yeah. [ laughter ] seth adam devine, fantastic. Edi over there, and then and theres Danny Mcbride. Danny mcbride seth and and do you enjoy you were raised Southern Baptist yeah. Seth yes i was and [ cheers ] thank you. [ laughter ] heyoh seth thats [ laughter ] yeah, i would actually go to tent revivals with my grandmother. Seth wow yeah. Seth and what was that scene like i mean were you sweaty. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] did you did you look forward to them as a kid or like i think across all religions, theres a sense of youre being dragged to the service yeah, thats exactly what it was. Seth yeah. And it didnt do me any good. Seth it didnt do you [ laughter ] but i liked them. They get up there and scream at you, and you felt bad. So, i thought that was pretty much the whole deal. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] but i like to do this guy, cause i get to preach every once in a while. That is so much fun. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] and you these are mega churches in the show yeah. Seth and so, i imagine theres a great deal of extras, when youre doing your preaching. Yeah. Seth yeah. Well, they they move them around, no matter where the camera is [ laughter ] so it looks like a whole crowd then theyll put your Computer People in there like they do seth yeah, sure. [ laughter ] they cgi some people yeah. Seth do you feel that when youre preaching, do you feel the power . Do you understand why people are drawn to it as a profession . I actually do seth yeah. Yeah. Its i mean, im a natural ham bone anyway. Seth right so, lets crank it up to 11 seth you can see, you know, like the fun youre having up there. But anyone, i feel like a lot of people who do this for a living, like they are also obviously, having fun yeah. Seth and it must be so fun to say like, hey, im here to tell you something, and its god told me to tell you. Yeah. [ laughter ] seth so, you might want to listen up. [ laughter ] like i i do that as an actor. [ laughter ] seth you you live in new orleans. Yes, sir. Seth and i know about this as well. So you like you drive to l. A. . Yeah. Seth for work . I love to do it, drive there, drive back now i drive to charleston too. Seth yeah, thats right. So charleston is where you do the righteous gemstones. Yeah, i love getting out by myself, and just hitting the road listen ill listen to howard stern until its memorized. [ laughter ] try to hit the local stations listen to in texas. Listen to some great mexican music. Just all kinds of stuff. Good preaching seth whats the time how many days do you try to knock it out . And do you sort of take your time i used to do it in like one and a couple of hours. Seth oh, thats not great. Yeah. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] daddys getting older now seth yeah. [ laughter ] and the Insurance Company frowns on it seth yeah. [ laughter ] so i try to stretch it to three days seth okay, gotcha. I mean, it sounds very romantic, and then i feel like those are one of those things like where you think, oh, this is so romantic, im gonna drive to l. A. And then you dread it, but it seems like when youre in it oh, i love it yeah seth yeah. I get to road test the old car. Seth and do you go the same way every time no, ill mix it up. Coming back ill probably take the im sorry [ laughter ] ill probably take the northern route up. [ laughter ] seth this is you realize because we got a stuckeys, and you want a pecan log seth were doing were doing the californians from snl. Yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] [ talking over each other seth and then charleston charleston, South Carolina you ever spend any time there before you started shooting the show no, ive never been there before seth and its eat to its just one of the people are great its a lot like new orleans. Seth yeah. Its funky. [ laughter ] and we live not far from a beach. So i get to take the doggy out every morning. Seth thats fantastic. Yeah. Seth you theres a Minor League Baseball team what is it the Charlotte River . No the riverdogs seth charleston. The Charleston Riverdogs Charleston Riverdogs, yeah. Seth and you actually wore a hat to a dodgersyankees game . Yeah. [ laughter ] i didnt want to wear a dodgers hat or a yankees hat seth yeah. That always involves a fist fight. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] what with lawyers and seth sure, sure, sure. You dont want to do this seth well, also because you being a boxer, youre registered weapons. Yeah. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] theyre lethal weapons. Seth youre lethal if you knock somebody out and they die, its manslaughter. Yeah. [ laughter ] i could do the time. [ laughter ] yeah seth but i like that you wear i think youre like, hey, im not here for the dodgers. Im not here for the yankees im just this is a way of saying, im just here for baseball. Im here for the dog. I only have one game to get to the whole season and i wanted to take my wife, my daughter and her boyfriend and we just had a wonderful time seth thats fantastic. Thank you, Dodger Stadium [ laughter ] seth did you is it true you talked about driving across country listening to music, listening to the radio you back in the day wanted to be a deejay this is one of your childhood dreams yeah, childhood seth yeah. And childish. Seth yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] but there was one guy i was hooked on every night. And plus we got to listen to old time radio dramas, too seth yeah. When i was a kid, and anything coming over the radio i love but yeah, there was something about one guy talking to you in the night. And thats what i want up until i was about in college, i thought maybe i can pull this off. Seth and when did you realize that the door had shut on this dream . [ laughter ] it has . Seth yeah, i think it has. [ laughter ] its all right [ audience aws ] i mean, i can tell probably get you a podcast. Right now, this is from 1963 and were coming in seth that would have been really good. Yeah. Seth do you want to try a little bit more . No. Seth okay. [ laughter ] the conners, you have some exciting guest stars coming up katey sagal. Katey sagal is could be a possible girlfriend. We dont know yet. Seth yeah. And Danny Aykroyd was on the other day. Seth thats fantastic. Played at a poker game, and he wrote his lines so it was just, hang on whats danny gonna to do . Seth yeah. [ laughter ] so, now, i would imagine most guest stars on the show are not given the right or encouraged to write their own lines. But dan aykroyd, obviously, a different deal yeah, yeah. They let him go, and it was pretty good. Seth thats fantastic. So, when so, you and danny had obviously, worked together before yeah. Seth doing Blues Brothers stuff. When is the last time you have worked together with him oh seth before this doing snl. Seth okay, gotcha. But i think it was still in the 90s or no, it was 2002 seth yeah. Yup, you guys are dressed up like post men. Yeah. Seth in the monologue. To that show. Seth i was there [ whistling [ laughter ] seth no, no. During update. Seth you what was it like the first time you met dan do you remember meeting dan aykroyd for the first time yeah, i do. I was drunk. Seth okay. [ laughter ] no, the first time i met him was backstage at the oscars and i got lubricated seth uhhuh. And made an ass out of myself but after that, i was consciously trying to get hired on the Blues Brothers sequel in any capacity. Seth yeah. And we got to know each other, and i think we had a good time seth hes one of those people i dont know, if this the case, when you first met him i mean, you know, anybody looks up to him because of how we first laid eyes on him yeah. Seth those iconic first years of the show. Hes so gracious and kind about the things that you have done. I find it hard to yeah. Seth its very to hard to compliment dan aykroyd without him turning around and saying something nice about somebody. Which he still does seth yeah. Which drives me nuts cause like, i didnt do yeah, but you man, youre so great. [ laughter ] he you know, first time you lay eyes on him, the guys a force of nature. Sh yeah. And equal equally gracious seth yeah, hes a wonderful guy. Yeah. Seth thats very nice he got you it and obviously, two different styles of the show youre doing the conners in front of studio audience youre doing gemstones, youre shooting that like a movie people will come and see it seth whats that we let ill charge them fiks [ laughter ] seth do you like being able to do both at the same time . Yeah, i do. Seth yeah. Its a its a stretch. And its its just because its so different, you dont get bored too easily seth yeah. Is it [ laughter ] you have coming from like a theater background, is it still fun to do stuff in front of a Live Audience . Like that feeling . It is they really over hype these audiences these days [ laughter ] seth yeah. Well, certainly you dont want to seth yeah. [ cheers and applause but on a sitcom yeah. Seth on a sitcom particularly yeah youre not going to be able to time any any jokes seth thats true so, i guess at that point, yeah, youre just trying to get them out and wooooo. [ laughter ] aww. Seth and that never happen to you on broadway you were never getting those reactions . I had a guy i did a broadway show a couple years ago. And the night before we opened, they let people in the front row. This guy says, i love you john goodman. [ laughter ] i love you john goodman. Seth wait and they had they had drinks on the stage. Seth oh, my god. Yeah. Seth wait, so this is the beginning of the play he saying, i love you john goodman . Yeah, yeah. Seth wow yeah. Seth and that is thats i mean, thats definition breaking the fourth wall yeah. I would like to breaking his fourth neck. [ laughter ] seth how do you get through Something Like that . You just do, look at the other guys on stage, and they can see youre panicked. [ laughter ] we got through it. It seemed like it was an hour long seth sure. This guy doing it seth do you ever have you ever been in a case where during intermission you said, hey, theres a guy in the front row saying, i love you john goodman. is there anything you can do about that . No. Seth okay. Because theres nothing you can do about it. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] they dont thats an extreme case they usually just talk or do their candy wrappers seth uhhuh. Or text or seth do you see is it very obvious when you see the blue light of someones phone on your face . Absolutely. Seth yeah. Yeah. Seth i would imagine that would be i think the thing they should tell people is not just, dont use your phones, they should all say, also, the actors will know youre doing it. Yeah. [ light laughter ] seth cause they think like that i think everybody thinks they can sneak a peak at their phone and forget theres a giant yeah [ lauger ] yeah, they got that face going [ laughter ] seth but not john john goodman is on to you. Yeah. [ laughter ] were gonna to get you seth youre gonna stick around yes, sir. Thank you. Seth and we will be right back with more of john goodman [ cheers and applause the conners return september 24th on abc. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause we ato hogwarts right now. This is unexpected. Ahhhh whoaaa this is incredible. We just got off hagrid, and it is by far the best ride. This is universal. Home of tripadvisors number one park in the world. So come join us. Get all three parks for just 53 a day, restrictions apply. This is you shopping. And this is you maximizing at t. J. Maxx. Get more of the brands you love and quality you want, and save every time. Its not shopping, its maximizing. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Goldi knows to never compromise. Too shabby too much too perfect i can rent this . For that price . Absolutely. What is this, some kind of fairy tale . Its just right book your just right rental at thrifty. Com. 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Thats why thanks to you were rated number one in Customer Satisfaction by j. D. Power. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back to the show now, john sir seth i dont know if youve heard about this, but technology is so crazy right now. Apparently theres these apps like door dash and uber eats, where you can get mcdonalds delivered right to your door thats ridiculous seth its preposterous mystifying. Seth its stupefying its just plain nuts seth and, you know, things like this really get me to thinking yup seth were getting older, and sometimes we look around and dont even recognize the world were living in. [ light laughter ] things are changing every day betterll, not always for the [ light laughter ] and sometimes its time to take a moment, just one moment [ laughter ] to talk about how things were just a bit more simple back in my day [ cheers and applause seth back in my day you couldnt order mcdonalds with food delivery apps like uber eats back in my day, if you saw a big mac in an uber, it was because it was 4 00 a. M. And you were throwing it up [ light laughter ] back in our day, we didnt have an rrated joker movie. Chucklebucks back in my day, if you wanted to see a clown say the f word, you had to hire one for your Kids Birthday Party [ light laughter ] and when the clown asked you to pay him, you kicked him right in the nuts [ laughter ] seth back in my day, people werent obsessing over popeyes new chicken sandwich cluckfeathers they were obsessing over popeyes girlfriend, who was just as spicy with equally delicious buns [ laughter ] her name was olive oil she was a tall drink of water. Incidentally a tall drink of water isnt available at popeyes, because that is less than 2,000 calories. [ laughter ] back in my day, spiderman wasnt getting kicked out of the marvel movies. I was [ laughter ] for standing up in the theater and yelling, how come when he hulks out his shorts stay on show us that green wang [ laughter ] i have to admit [ applause ] i have to admit i made a scene but you have to admit, i made my point. [ laughter ] seth back in my day, people werent going blind from eating too much junk food no, sir. Back in my day, if you wanted to go blind, you had to do Something Else with your junk. [ laughter and applause [ barking well, of course id rather be alone, rusty but you never leave the house. [ barking [ laughter ] back in my day, disney didnt have its own streaming service that you could watch whenever you wanted back in my day, if you wanted to watch the Little Mermaid in the middle of the night, you had to sneak out of your bedroom and pull out that old vhs tape that you never returned to blockbuster. [ laughter ] and you keep the volume real low. And when you cried at the end, and your wife shouted, what are you doing down there what are you watching . Youd yell, porn [ laughter ] because that was less embarrassing [ laughter ] seth back in my day, we didnt have british Prime Minister Boris Johnson overseeing brexit. Teacrumpets. [ light laughter ] back in my day it was british Prime Minister theresa may was overseeing brexit. One thing remains as true now as it did then, its a [ bleep ] show [ light laughter ] or, as a the british like to say, a [ bleep ] show. [ applause ] back in my day, Matthew Mcconaughey wasnt becoming a professor at the university of texas. No, back then if you saw Matthew Mcconaughey Walking Around a College Campus it only meant one thing. Someone nearby had some good ass mushrooms. [ laughter ] seth back in my day, we didnt have ecigarettes in fancy fruit flavors. No sir, back in my day we just had cigarettes and they only came in two flavors, menthol and bad [ laughter ] but back then you didnt even care, because you were addicted to the nicotine. And you looked like a total badass [ light laughter ] of course, back then, i wasnt john goodman i was a john badboy. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause seth well, im sorry we had to say all that. But sometimes these two grumpy gramps have got to gripe this has been back in my day. Well be back with michael c. Hall, everybody [ cheers and applause paneras new baja warm grain bowl is full of good. Full of tasty, good for you ingredients. Fresh and filling. So that you too will be full of good. Try our new warm grain bowls today. Order now on ubereats. cos i know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams here i go again on my you realize your vows are a whitesnake song . I do. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. Goodreally . sighs have you tried merrick yet . We get it. You got it. Were petsmart. Wed love some help with laundry. Heres how you do it. Spray and scrub anything with a stain. Soak your nasty jersey. It stinks wash the really dirty clothes separately. Remember hard work builds character tide pods with upgraded 4in1 technology unleash a foolproof clean in one step. Aww, you did the laundry but you didnt fold it. 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Dubai awaits taste the finer things in life rise above the ordinary travel through time play in the sand celebrate everyday. Fly emirates to dubai. For a world of good times. Fly emirates. Fly better. [ cheers and applause seth our next guest is a golden globe awardwinning and emmynominated actor you know from shows such as six feet under and dexter. He stars in the movie in the shadow of the moon, which begins streaming on netflix this friday lets take a look. Could be a drug thing, you know puncture wounds. What we need to do is run toxicology what do you mean we look, you were right about the bus driver good call, but im running point on this. You do your job, ill do mine. Come on detective, detective were on our own here, buddy. Look, i respect the hustle, i do but no, look, even if nobodys said the word serial killer out loud yet, a times coming. And when it does, this is my first big one, okay . This could make me i need to be able to wrap my head around it on my own just give me a little breathing room, all right . All right detective detective . Seth please welcome back to the show, michael c. Hall, everyone [ cheers and applause seth welcome back to the show thank you, thank you. Seth this is a complicated film to try to explain it is seth is that safe to say yeah, thats safe to say. Seth do you want to give it a shot um, all right its about a Philadelphia Police officer who is following a serial killer. Not me [ laughter ] seth that must be a relief yeah. Seth to not be the one being followed yeah, yeah. Im a follower, in this case but hes following a killer who kills periodically every nine years. So the movie takes place over quite a number of years. Anything else i say either becomes confusing or spoils it seth okay, gotcha. So, its a whole other segment. Seth thats not but, once every nine year serial killer. I think ill take it yeah, yeah, there you go. Seth and you mentioned philadelphia yup seth this is i dont know if you have there might be some core dread in playing phila its a very tricky accent. It is yeah but jim mickle, the director, is from that part of the world. It was important to him that the movie be set there and it was important to him that i do a philadelphia accent seth yeah. Because so many movies that are set in philadelphia, it just people sound like theyre from new york. Seth yeah. So, yeah. I spent some time watching youtube videos of real people talking. [ laughter ] seth yeah. And i hope youre aware that people from philadelphia will not be theyll be fine telling you if they dont like it oh, yeah. Seth yah yeah, yeah. Not shy. Seth probably watching even watching the youtube videos even that came out. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. No, i you know, im prepared to disappoint people [ light laughter ] seth im not worried about you disappointing them but i is it like youre like, oh, philly, theyll let you know. Yeah, yeah. Seth you this must be an interesting time you know, i talked to a lot of actors who because of streaming and the fact that people can go back and watch shows it is a great time to have done work that people that holds up and six feet under must be a show are you still hearing about it now . Yeah. [ cheers and applause seth and even more so . Yeah. Thanks yeah, i people approach me who, you know, say, i just finished watching the third season i love it. And its great because, you know, if youre an actor, you know, and youre not working at a particular time, somebody comes up and talks about having seen something you did 20 years ago, just last night, you feel like youre working. [ laughter ] so its good seth that is a nice thing. You did me, bill hader and fred armisen a huge favor. We have a show called documenatry now. Oh. Seth and we asked if you would want to do an episode. And you said yes and i just want to thank you in person for doing that. Oh, man it was a blast seth you you played a bowler yes, i played the best bowler in the world seth you played the best bowler in the world. [ light laughter ] in a fake documentary about the best bowler in the world yeah. Seth and just for those that havent seen it heres a clip of the best bowler in the world as played by michael c. Hall. Billy may dempsy may just be the best bowler to ever grace the lane doesnt drink, doesnt smoke just bowls he may not be the flashiest player in the pbl. But the pins dont know the difference thats right. They call him deadeyes dempsey for a reason [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause seth i you know, i know you. I know you have a sense of humor. A lot of your work has not shown that was it fun to get to play something where you play a bowler named deadeyed . Yeah, it was a blast. I mean, im a fanning of, you know, all those guys you included and [ laughter ] seth that did seem tagged on but i dont think thats what he meant. And you and you. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] and it was just it was fun to show up and just slap a wig and a crazy mustache on. Seth yeah. Just go like, the schedule was really tight. You know seth yeah. And its loose. And its fun and theres a bit of improvisational energy it was a blast seth you had to one thing, though, you had to be was the best bowler in the world so you actually had to have a bowling form did you have any base coat of bowling in your life i had, you know, your Standard School Church Weekend bowling experience seth sure. So not a lot not a lot seth yeah. Not a lot but i was more concerned with approximating good form than good results seth yes, of course. So i throw what seemed like a really professional gutter ball. But all you saw was me seth yeah. So it was okay. Seth and did you was there did you ever get an actual strike in the filming once. Seth once. Cameras rolling . Not on the pins [ light laughter ] not on the pins. So i could be lying. Seth yeah, you could be theres no youre saying theres no visual proof that this happened. No, no. Seth okay. Well, thank you for being honest youre welcome. Seth you are you went to college in new york, yeah . To grad school. Seth grad school youre back in new york now. Yeah. Seth i always like talking to people, especially actors, about their first new york apartment. What was your what was your situation . My first new york apartment was it was, like, 1993. It was on 5th street and avenue b. Seth okay. Alphabet city which at the time was sketchy. Seth yeah. Now the east village is, like east village the ride [ laughter ] but then it was like, the east village. It was roach infested. Seth uhhuh. And it was, like, a hallway it was kind of shaped like from that desk to the end of this couch. It was about that narrow there was a door here, you slept in a bed curled up and then my bedroom was in the bigger room. Seth oh, there was other bedrooms in this oh, no, thats not right. Seth okay. I was in the closet [ light laughter ] im thinking of a different apartment. And then the main room was here. Seth how many people did you live with . And then there was, like, airplane bathroom . Seth yeah, yeah, yeah. Just one. Seth okay, so it was just you. Yeah. Seth and when you say roaches oh, no, just one other person seth okay, got you yeah yeah, yaeh. Seth i mean, thats the high life, living with one guy. Yeah, yeah. Seth living on your own in new york city. And when you say roach infested, what was like, was it would a day go by that you wouldnt see one or was it pretty much no, no. Seth yeah, okay. It was, like, if you get up to go to the bathroom at night, youd try to just go to the bathroom in the dark seth yeah. cause you didnt want to have the experience of turning the lights on. Seth yeah. It was like living in a bowl full of roaches. [ audience ohs ] seth i always my first apartment was the same thing and the thing my least favorite thing about roaches, and i had plenty yeah. [ laughter ] seth i always felt like when roaches died, their last act was to walk to the middle of the room and lie on their back yeah. Seth just to let you know, ive been here my whole life. Yeah, yeah. Seth yeah, im not going to die somewhere where you cant see me. Yeah, im not going to be discrete. Seth yeah. Yeah. Seth its like, grandpa, youre about to go. Hes like, get me to the middle of the of the room. Yeah seth i want them to see me. [ laughter ] yeah. Seth but it must be nice now. Im assuming your new place is did you bring any of the old roaches with you when you its better you know, its new york. Its an old building seth theyll show up, yeah theyll show up from time to time seth there you go. Well, were certainly theyre like, hey, mike, congrats on your stuff. Theyre like, we just finished six feet under. Its so good. [ laughter ] im working. Seth thanks so much for being here sure. [ cheers and applause seth thanks again for documentary now. Always such a pleasure to see you. Of course seth thank you so much michael c. Hall, everybody in the shadow of the moon begins streaming this friday exclusively on netflix well be right back with music from midland [ cheers and applause on the board. Whats on the board . 100 acts of good. State farm is challenging us, every good act we do goes. On the board. Its on. At state farm, were challenging ourselves to each do 100 acts of good. On the board little one. Im here with state farm employee max, who is saving a beached whale. Max. On the board on the board cheering this man has become an absolute hero. Giving back starts with us. Join us at neighborhoodofgood. Com®. You see clear skin. Cosentyx can help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. 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We are americas kitchen. Doordash. Every flavor welcome. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network. Only with xfinity xfi. Download the xfi app today. Im about to capture proof of the ivory billed woodpecker. What . . . No, no no no no. Battery power runs out. Lifetime Retirement Income from tiaa doesnt. Guaranteed monthly income for life. Nooooo [ cheers and applause seth performing playboys off their album let it roll, midland. [ cheers and applause she said i gues there aint no right way for you to say goodbye again youve been lookin at the highway where your heart has always been i could cuss yo from here to tucso there aint nothin left to say boy she said i though that i could change yo but ah but you were born a playboy so get on the stage and play boys kick out the lights tonight get high and make noise yeah lets drink little too much whiske yeah lets have a little too much fun shes already gon away boys so we dont go home what difference does it make boys this old world woul be a dull place boys if it was all work and no play boys a hundred miles outside of houston third name o the marquee sign out here yo get used to losin your friends your lovers and your mind so get on the stage and play boys kick out the lights tonight get high and make noise yeah lets drin a little too much whiske yeah lets hav a little too much fun shes already gone away boys so if we dont go hom what differenc does it make boys this old world woul be a dull place boys if it was all work and no play boys play, boys set em up well knock em dow wake up in another town we dont know no other way we aint good at love we aint good at muc we just know how to play hey hey im just a playbo you cant blame me for the way that i was made boy i might drink a littl too much whiskey i might have a little too much fun shes already gone away boys so we dont go home what difference does it make boys this whole world woul be a dull place boys if it was all work and no play boys [ cheers and applause seth midland, everybody their album let it roll is out now. For tour dates, go to midlandofficial. Com. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause announcer Time Magazine reports the new american addiction. How juul hooked kids and ignited a Public Health crisis. Other news outlets report juul took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Markets ecigarettes with kid friendly flavors and uses nicotine to addict them. 5 million kids use ecigarettes. Juul is following big tobaccos playbook. And now, juul is pushing prop c to overturn ecigarette protections. Vote no on juul. No on big tobacco. No on prop c. [ cheers and applause seth my thanks to John Goodman Michael c. Hall. Midland, everybody [ cheers and applause Yesod Williams and, of course, the 8g band. Stay tuned for a little late with lilly singh. Well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh, peoples choice awardwinning singer meghan trainor, yall. [ cheers and applause i won a grammy too. [ cheers and applause lilly well, you know, you you won a peoples choice award and i won a peoples choice award. So, they say were just two

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