Tillamook’s Board of County Commissioners continued a decision on dissolving the Beaver Water District on November 1, after a district staffer updated the board on work being done to bring
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Readers Respond to a Small Town Divided by Timber Unity Nobody on that page knows rat-fuck about trees. Ice on Portland branches. (Joy Bogdan)
Last week, WW examined a brouhaha in a typically quiet place: a city council meeting in the tiny Lincoln County town of Toledo, where residents from all over Oregon gave testimony on whether Timber Unity enables right-wing extremists ( Timber Army, Feb. 3, 2021). A conservative group that hosts rallies in support of loggers and truckers, Timber Unity has been subject to intense scrutiny since its spokeswoman Angelita Sanchez attended the U.S. Capitol insurrection. Experts on extremism say that Timber Unity attracts white supremacists and paramilitary groups. Timber Unity leaders say they condemn white supremacy and the group is nonpartisan. Here s what our readers ha