necessarily means you re expecting litigation but it also means you re not expecting nothing, right? he s got a lawyer already. he has jeremy gorelick from the same firm that bob mueller worked for so, there is a feeling among kushner and his associates that s what s going on around the country connection will not sit very well with president trump. the other issue i think is abbe lowell is generally rared as the shark in the tank with the sharpest teeth. he has done a ton of these cases. he started off, first gained fame as being minority counsel during the impeachment hearing, sort of fighting for bill clinton. he s represented jack abramoff. if you re going to go for somebody, abilow sell the guy to go for. talk about everybody in the white house lawyering up, though. mark cass was telling them a while ago, you don t need to, now it seems they all do. what is going on and who pays these big bills? a great question.
subpoena for documents. in his testimony tuesday, director of national intelligence dan coats refused to comment on reports that president trump asked him to publicly deny allegations of collusion between his campaign and russia. and the president himself has reportedly retained the services of new york attorney mark cass wits to help him navigate the probe. we re back with dan henninger, mary kissel and bill mcgurn. one other detail, mary, jared kushner, the president s son-in-law, white house aide, is now a person of interest as the investigators want to ask him about meetings he had with russian officials. what do you make of that? okay. that s interesting, but it s just part of this big what i think is becoming a blur to the american people of, you know, illusions and insinuations. paul, the only thing that we know for sure that was a criminal act was the leak of classified information to the media. we know that for sure. then let the special counsel go and figure out the facts o
subpoena for documents. in his testimony tuesday, director of national intelligence dan coats refused to comment on reports that president trump asked him to publicly deny allegations of collusion between his campaign and russia. and the president himself has reportedly retained the services of new york attorney mark cass wits to help him navigate the probe. we re back with dan henninger, mary kissel and bill mcgurn. one other detail, mary, jared kushner, the president s son-in-law, white house aide, is now a person of interest as the investigators want to ask him about meetings he had with russian officials. what do you make of that? okay. that s interesting, but it s just part of this big what i think is becoming a blur to the american people of, you know, illusions and insinuations. paul, the only thing that we know for sure that was a criminal act was the leak of classified information to the media. we know that for sure. then let the special counsel go and figure out the facts o
more active in the fight. nato joining the isis coalition, we think that would be a really important step for them to take. they ve been an observer but they ve become more and more engaged in the actual fight to defeat isis. reporter: the bloodshed in manchester, he says, only strengthens the resolve. it reminds us of why we ought to do that. the president said that to embassy staff today. just reminds us we have to win this fight. reporter: there are daily reminders of the political turmoil awaiting the president when he gets home. he s expected to higher a trial lawyer he s used in the past, mark cass wits to deal with the case. nearly simultaneously, the white house said it was no longer considering former vice presidential candidate joe liebermanerman for fbi director.