A recent Nintendo survey has asked fans how they feel about Mario's RPGs, sparking hope of new games in the future. As highlighted by a Reddit user, Nintendo recently sent out a survey to su
Much to our dismay, the 3DS eShop is closing in March 2023. These are the titles you should snatch up before they're either gone forever, or shoot up in price. Hurry!
Mon 15th Mar 2021
Bought a red and white Mario edition 2ds, refurbed for 90 bucks. I love the slate design and want to get my hands on as many special editions as possible.
Also picked up some physical games and a new 32 gb card to hold all of my digital library at once.
I picked up Luigis Mansion OG, Dark Moon, Kirby Epic Yarn, M&L Dream Team, Ocarina of Time and a few new digital games.
My switch looks jealous but the 2ds has sucked me in yet again