On Wednesday, the latest Pokémon Scarlet and Violet trailer dropped, bringing with it several updates for the upcoming games. We also learned of a brand new Pokémon-themed Switch OLED, among other t
On this week s episode of the Jiggle Physics video game podcast, the gang, with special guest Nadine Dornieden, talk about the most important gaming news of the week. which of course is mostly just
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak has released for Nintendo Switch and now players can get their hands on a new Malzeno amiibo for the flagship monster. It's one of the biggest and most detailed figures yet.
Three additional games found their way onto Nintendo Switch Online this week. Plus, we're in the final stretch before the 3DS and Wii U eShops no longer accept purchases of any kind. There's even more Nintendo news, so let's dive in.